Imagine sitting on a bench in front of a beautiful view, contemplating the life you’ve lived to date.
And see yourself having lived a life filled with freedom to choose what you wanted most, living connected with your life purpose. Content with everything you did, knowing you always lived up to your full potential, always showed up as your best self.
Stepping up to your heart’s calling and discovering the passion, confidence and enthusiasm to take action and make an impact doing what you love.
Picture yourself looking over the past years, noticing how you gained the confidence, the sense of empowerment and personal power you always wanted.
Imagine you cleared all those old blocks you once had to have a life filled with joy, ease and expansion. And you even learned how to love yourself more. And you see yourself being open to freedom, love, inspiration, commitment, desire and the ability to trust deeply in the possibility of better things being available to you.
I want you to imagine what it’s like to love yourself, to love your body, and to love your life. To have overcome the old conditioning that stops you from feeling and expressing that love you have for yourself.
I want you to feel how it would feel to have all the clarity you could possibly need about the next correct step in your life and be confident in taking it. Having learned how to trust yourself to make the right decision every time.
You’re free from whatever used to hold you back. You’ve released all the stuff that’s been weighing you down and keeping you stuck. You broke free and got on with living your life the way you always wanted to.