Don’t bring the past you want to leave behind forward into this new year

Hey Beautiful,

You already know this but I’m saying it again, thoughts have energy. Feelings have energy. And those thoughts and feelings, that energy is what directs our life.

And most of us allow it to happen based on circumstance, our past, our current situation, someone else’s reaction to us.

Here’s the thing that everyone in 2022 really needs to get and start using to help themselves live the life they want. IDENTITY is a CHOICE.

Who you are is not set in stone.

This is not how things are.

This is not just the way you are.

In fact, for most of us, our personality and identity is a direct response to childhood trauma.

And here we are at the end of 2021, two years into a global pandemic that once again has given us something to react to, to want to run away from, go against.

And there’s always something isn’t there. 2016 – Trump and Brexit. We thought that year couldn’t be beaten but Covid 19 came along and showed us an even worse two years and counting.

But here’s the thing, a few people thinking at a higher level of consciousness can outweigh the negativity of the majority. So, lets all raise our vibration by allowing ourselves to move from the lower emotional levels to the higher ones.

And I have a perfect shamanic ritual that will help you transform the energy of 2021 into that which you want in 2022.

Remember energy cannot be gotten rid of, destroyed or negated but it can be transformed, transmuted and that’s what this exercise does.We’re going to release the negative charge to events, thoughts and feelings associated with 2021 and move forward into 2022 with a set of intentions that will serve us better, charging that energy with positive emotion.

Before we begin, you will need a pen, paper or a journal, matches, an ashtray or a bowl and an envelope.

Once you’ve got them, give yourself a quiet twenty – thirty minutes to do this shamanic exercise of transmutation.

First of all, write out all of the things that you want to release from 2021, the thoughts, beliefs, behaviours, the emotions and feelings tied to events both global and personal. There are many good reasons for doing this, research has found writing out all of your troubles can actually reduce your cortisol level,and that’s a nice side effect to what we want to achieve here tonight.

Once you have it all written out, and I do mean all. Think of childhood stuff that hurts you that you still carry around, old breakup hurts, old workplace slights and colleague conflicts. Write all of it down.

Now, fold that page in half and then half again.

Set it in the bowl and set it alight.

Watch the flames eat into the paper and the smoke rise up and dissipate, and as you watch the page go up in flames say to yourself, ‘I release all of these old patterns of thought and behaviour that created results I no longer accept in this life. I release all that no longer serves me, and I make a new choice here and now to only accept the best of everything the Universe has to offer me.’

Okay, now we’re moving into the good stuff.

I want you to spend a few minutes with your eyes closed, imagine its 31st December 2022, a year has passed. What are the changes you would like to see in that year older version of you?

What do you decide to change and stick with throughout the year?

Are you fitter, healthier, happier, wealthier?

See that you a year from now. As you want to be in a year’s time.

Now, on a clean page, write out the three big intentions for 2022 based on the you that you have seen in that future vision.

Only three intentions. although you can create a subset of goals that help you reach that intention.

For instance; if your intention is to be in the best shape of your life, then you will have goals around fitness, eating well,staying hydrated and so on.

Write out three, such as

  1. I have closer, more honest and sincere relationships with the people I love, people I work with and everyone else in my life.
  2. I am in the best shape of my life, leaner, fitter and hot AF.
  3. I create the work I love to do and am disciplined about making space for that in my life every day.


Intentions are great for so many reasons, here are my top two.

i) An intention is like an umbrella and you can then set lots of definitive goals and action steps and milestones under that umbrella. Such as the intention to build a savings and investment portfolio that will enable you to be debtfree and financially secure for the rest of your life. Under that intention you can set a specific goal to save a percentage of your income every month. Another action would be to learn about crypto currency and new technology for investing and making money. The intention is exciting and inspiring whereas the goals and action steps may be more mundane and could therefore be easier to ignore and drop off your radar.

ii) You can stay on track with an intention every day easily by asking yourself this question, ‘is this decision/action in alignment with my intentions for this year and my life?’ This ties everything you do back to your intention and that’s important because some days you’ll get the inspiration for a rest day and when that’s in alignment, that’s cool. You’ll know when you’re simply avoiding a task out of resistance and as always, you make your choice, to stay in alignment with your intention or …not.

Once you have written out your intentions, fold that paper to fit your envelope, seal it and then place it somewhere special for you. A Shaman would recommend an altar, but many people don’t have that. I put mine on my desk upstairs with a stone collected from a beach that means something to me, a picture of me that reminds me of a joy filled time, a white feather that was in my path on one of my walks with Amelia. You get the idea. Somewhere where you will see it regularly.

Oh, and write on it, ‘Open 31st December 2022.’

That’s one way to change your energy going into 2022. Maybe you have your own. If so, I’d love to hear about it, please email or comment below.

Whatever you do, however you decide to mark the passing of the old into the new, its worth remembering that time is an illusion and science suggests there are multiple timelines and dimensions happening all at once, past, present and future are all now. There’s a mind boggle for you!

Happy New Year


Cynthia xx


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