Hey Beautiful,
I know, the world has taken a huge step backwards, people being killed by barbaric weapons in the name of domination and control.
A friend remarked that this is exactly what happens in a domestic abuse situation and it really is the perfect parallel. Ukraine removed herself from a domineering, controlling abusive partner who refused to give her any freedom to look after herself and her people the way she wanted to. And now that former partner, who has been watching Ukraine grow and blossom in her freedom, making new friends (Europe), stretching herself and considering new alliances and relationships (NATO), has decided to take her back, no matter how unwillingly, and teach her a lesson and if he (Russia) can’t have her, no-one can.
Patriarchy is being shown to the world for the annihilistic coercive controlling structure for society and culture it has always been, we’ve just more aware that there are other choices and other ways of being now.
But that’s on the global stage and there’s nothing I can do about it. Well there is and we’ll get to that in a minute, but reading the news, watching the horrific scenes on television and online does nothing to help and actually worsens my personal situation because my internal system gets pushed into stress and distress, the primitive flight, flight, freeze response that floods our system with toxic hormones and chemicals.
Same with reading about the UK political situation and financial crisis with the Torys in charge, people not only needing food banks but clothes, bedding, blankets and charity to stay warm and have electricity to cook the food they receive. Fifth richest country in the world and people are starving, children going to school hungry.
The news is designed to get us charged up negatively, fill us with fear and anger and keep us there. And this affects our health, our physical, mental and emotional health. Yes, I know that sounds selfish in the face of the terror being rained down on people all across the world but us sitting in self imposed stress doesn’t actually help them at all.
So here’s what I’m doing to help. I’m not reading the news. I’m avoiding all headlines about Ukraine and poverty in the UK. Instead I’m donating what I can to charities I’ve researched and know will make an immediate difference. I am asking for peace in my personal practice because everything starts within and I’m asking for peace for myself in my life. I accept responsibility for my innate power to create both what I desire and I what I don’t want.
I create drama and conflict in my life, usually unconsciously, but it shows up. So I ask for forgiveness, I ask to receive peace and let go of judgment, of myself, of others close to me and on the world stage.
What does you being a frazzled, hysterical mess contribute to the world? We need to embody that which we want to experience in the world. Be peaceful. When you can be peaceful, you can do things in a peaceful way.
And as I’ve shared before, thoughts and feelings have power, so all day throughout the day, I stop to fill myself up with peace, love and connection to Higher Consciousness and I send healing and love to the world and whoever needs it.
And what that means is I feel better in myself and I experience love, peace and hope. And that can change the world.
The other thing to do is take practical steps to help yourself find peace. Remove yourself from people and situations that are fraught with drama and conflict.
If you are experiencing difficulties in life, find a way to look at it from a place of calm, peacefulness. When you’re stressed your brain shuts down. You don’t think, you cannot find solutions and all your thrashing around looking for rescue makes you feel worse.
There are things we have no control over, things that create stress and anxiety in our lives. There’s a part of us that doesn’t want to let these things go because maybe they’re familiar, maybe because worrying gives us a false sense of control.
We give ourselves a false sense of security by holding onto fear.
All those things we can’t control, keeping us stuck. Are you ready to let it go? Are you ready to let go of worry and change your identity to a person who doesn’t have anything to stress about, to be someone who chooses to be at peace?
Let it go. Find a process that works for you and work through it.
And remember this is a deepening process, there’s always more to let go of.
There’s always another block to release. Some of those releases will take minutes. Some of them will take days. Some might take years. And a few may not release in this current lifetime.
None of that is wholly within your control.
And yet, your task is always the same, regardless of how long it takes – stay committed to the process of releasing the block.
That commitment, in and of itself, will pay dividends. Backing down on your commitment will cost you. Choose yourself.
So stay committed.
The growth is in maintaining the commitment, at least as much as releasing the block.
And sometimes, staying committed is releasing the block – the block to committing to growing into your best future.
Here’s to you finding your inner sense of peace and sharing it with the world.
Cynthia xx
This week’s Be Your Own Light House is open to everyone. Please donate at the PayPal link below as I am forwarding all proceeds to Together Rising and their efforts in Ukraine.
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