Be Your Own Lighthouse Programme

My favourite Christmas cards all depict the same thing; a cosy cottage, snuggled in the woods with snow drifts all round and golden warm light spilling out of the windows. Those images always gave me such hope and comfort and for years I didn’t understand why.
Until I figured out what they represented for me… a light guiding me home.
How long do we spend wandering the wastelands of despair, grief and unhappiness, using addictions to try to comfort and distract us, hoping for rescue?
I’ll tell you how long – LIFETIMES!
Not just weeks, or months but years. So many years. And in some cases, the whole of a person’s life.
And you know what’s insane about all of that stumbling through the darkness, climbing over rocks and falling into pits and going round and round in circles in our thoughts, in our actions, in our relationships?
The light we need to see clearly?
It's inside of us!
We all have been chasing an outside idea of what our happiness looks like. We’ve been taught that we’re not enough on our own, ‘not good enough’, ‘not important’ and too sensitive, too serious, too goofy, too something to be able to trust ourselves with such an important task.
We have abdicated being physically, emotionally and mentally present in our lives and have offered ourselves up to other people to keep us safe and well.
We have let go of all personal responsibility and stand back from life, unable to live as we want because we’ve been told we must be a certain way to get the things we want and we’re not it.

But what if you could listen to your innate inner wisdom, your true self, and whilst listening you identified the source of your discontent and realised it’s not even your thoughts!!!
Right now maybe you don’t know how to listen to yourself, to hear that inner voice. And you certainly don’t trust it because you’ve always trusted your family, friends, society, the culture you were brought up in and absorbed like breathing in air.
But what if, just maybe all that judgement you absorbed is wrong?
Wow! Scary that, isn’t it. That you’ve been following the wrong voices, the wrong source all this time.
How do you let go of all those old influences?
Here’s the truth…
YOU were BORN with intuitive guidance, with innate knowledge of who you are and what you like.
It’s just we grow up in this culture where people are constantly telling us we aren’t good enough. Not pretty enough, smart enough, thin enough, rich enough. We were taught we couldn’t trust our own likes and desires and must follow what everyone else wants, do what they all do, be like the crowd. We were told not to trust our bodies, and that’s a whole other punishment by itself.
We learn there is something wrong with who we are and that we must look outside of ourselves for comfort, support and strength.
Those assumptions about who we think we are and what we think are our limitations are often devastating. Destroying our ability to love and accept ourselves. And some of us never learn to reject that learned judgement and undo the harm done to us.
We must learn to be present to ourselves, to practice paying attention to nothing so we can hear ourselves whisper inside.
We need to discover how to be comfortable being uncomfortable as we confront the lies we lived as truth and start to dismantle those thought processes.
We must be willing to see deeper into things, especially ourselves to develop a deeper state of self-awareness.
When you act from within, when you tune into your true self and act from that place, from that guidance you activate your own personal superpowers and from there everything suddenly starts falling into place. You may find yourself doing things that don’t make sense but simply feel right to you and make you glow with renewed pride in your own being, in who you are and what you bring to the world.

This is what happens when you become your own lighthouse.
The guiding beam of light that brings you out of the fog, out of the darkness and reconnects you with yourself.
Side effects include: Peace. Love. Compassion. Joy. Forgiveness. Confidence.
Being able to feel every emotion and savour its gift to you without getting swept up by it, including all the pain and grief you’ve been avoiding your whole lifetime.
Feel it, thank it and let it go.
It’s time to find your heart, to renew yourself and commit to your brilliance and be you.
That’s what we’re doing in this new program that I’ve been guided to develop to help everyone who is seeking to find peace, solace, acceptance in life and let go of struggle, disappointment, addiction, anxiety and depression, despair.
A blending of coaching, hypnosis and meditation delivered in a group format that will is mutually supportive and nurturing. A space that is welcoming and joyful and shows you how to let go of the unnecessary stuff you carry around that weighs you down and makes you tired, unhappy and weary.
I know, it’s exciting and I can’t wait to get started.
We’ll meet once a week, every week for a group session that helps you discover how to BE Your Own Lighthouse.
An oasis of peace, calm and strength that supports you in going to those dark places and shining your light. And maybe you’ll discover your monsters were only the frightened imaginings of a little child trying to make sense of a world that had hurt them.
And do you know what else this will do for you? Simply as a byproduct of the weekly sessions you will have the capacity for deep, clear thinking. You will be able to problem solve faster, easier, be more creative and enjoy greater peace of mind.
Think of me as your Tour Guide to going inside. This is an engaged, dynamic experience.
Learn the answers to all your questions, perhaps the most important being ‘What do you want the freedom to do?’
Ready for life to be about more than just surviving?
Ready to not just thrive but totally rock, loving every moment and accepting good and bad equally?
Here’s what you get with these incredible weekly sessions

Hypnotic Soul Journey Meditations:
A group experience of the course material with weekly meetings alongside your co-journeyers, paired with group coaching,hypnotic meditation and integration.
- Coaching and insights into who you are and the beliefs you have hidden even from yourself
- Group support to see into your darkest parts and release yourself from fear
- Somatic healing of old emotional wounds held in your physical body
- Peace, calm, strength
- A community of like hearted people to hold you and support you

If this sounds so good to you, that you are ready right now/ Well there’s nothing to stop you, join us every Thursday on Zoom and you pay as you go. How easy is that?
Join Zoom Meeting…
Meeting ID: 841 0902 0917
Passcode: 1234
And you can send your £25 for the session to me via PayPal at this link #
Love, Cynthia xx