Brand new month, Happy Saint Brigid’s Day

I am not as knowledgeable as I should be about Celtic Pagan Rites, Gods and Goddesses. I know some of it but I don’t have a depth of knowledge.

I know that Saint Brigid was an Irish Celt Goddess who got co-opted into Christianity to help bring the pagan Irish into the warm loving arms of the Catholic Church. (Yep, that was sarcasm)

But I do have a deep sense of the honesty and sincerity and natural justice of the pagan rites and Imbolc is probably my favourite. Imbolc 2022 in Ireland will begin this evening of Tuesday 1st February and ends tomorrow (Wednesday) evening.

Its the time when we start sowing seeds as the northern hemisphere starts to awaken from its winter sleep.

And to me, sowing seeds is such an act of faith, of trust that what you plant will take root in the darkness and gather strength to grow.​

This act is one of the oldest collaborations between human beings and nature.

We also sow seeds in our hearts and mind, seeds of desire, seeds of ideas we want to bring to life.

Sowing is not planting as modern farmers do but rather the act of dispersing seeds, simply casting them wide and far and hoping for the future, holding the faith that those seeds of life will take root in receptive soil.

‘We reap what we sow’ is the old saying however, there is never a guarantee that sown seeds will germinate and grow;.

We must tend the soil, pull out the weeds, feed and water the ground.

It’s the same with our inner environment. We can plant the seeds, but that’s not enough. We need to make sure they get a fighting chance to grow.

This Thursday in ‘Be Your Own LightHouse’ we’re going to do some sowing of our heart’s desires and allow Higher Consciousness to show us what’s necessary to tend to our seeds.

We want to encourage our growth, our development and the manifestation of our hopes and dreams.

We’ll be a day late for Imbolc but this isn’t about a pagan rite or about Saint Brigid, this is about you and me and how we develop our connection to our Higher Consciousness and build a life that brings us everything our soul wants.

Join us Thursday at 7pm GMT UK time for Be Your Own Light House
Tap into Divine Guidance. Tune into Infinite Wisdom. Turn yourself on to Higher Consciousness.
Join us here at this Zoom link
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 841 0902 0917
Passcode: 1234
And you can send your £25 for the session to me via PayPal at this link #


I truly hope I see you there because this work is so good.


Cynthia xx

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