Being a Better Man! All the Time.
No Matter What!
Imagine living as the man you always dreamed you could be;
strong, protective, caring, passionate, successful.
- A good father who sets an example of how to live well to his children.
- A committed, loving husband or partner.
- A super productive success at work.
- A fun, adventurous, buddy with friends who enhance your life and downtime.
- Fully grounded and at peace within yourself, challenging those self set limits and growing as you learn who you truly are and what you really are capable of when you set your mind to it.
Picture yourself living your best life.
Every day, all the time, no matter what life throws at you.
Fully experiencing being your best every damn day!
What does you ‘being a better man’ look like?
Is it winning against all odds?
Overcoming everything that you feel is stacked against you and you actually come out on top?
Being in control of your emotions, especially the anger that threatens to spill out when you’re stressed?
What part of ‘being a better man’ do you want most?
Is it work, relationships, family, success, health?
What does it look like to have everything you never even knew you wanted?
To be strong, kind, creative, the kind of person you always wanted to be experiencing love and life on your terms.
How far away are you from that life right now?
What are you struggling with most in creating a life that makes you proud, that makes you feel like you’re winning, that life is on your side?
Maybe that struggle is starting to make itself felt in other areas of your life?
Maybe slowly, almost imperceptibly, life is starting to collapse around you like a house of cards and you know you’re going to be left sitting in the rubble.
Can you see yourself, standing up, dusting yourself off, ready to start again?
Sure, you never let anything get you down for too long, right?
But, how are you going to make sure this time is different?
That this time, you’re going all the way to where you want to be?
‘I would not be here had you not guided and coached me along the way. Maybe for the first time ever I have felt happy with who I am and worthy of admiration and even love. I have shaken off the shackles of domineering parents and ill advised coping skills. I have stood on my feet and said to those I know that I am happy with the guy I am. I am not happy with whom I was but I am not going to be punished or punish myself any longer.
The wisdom you have brought the tools you have taught me have become armoury to manage and cope with days when things are tough and better still to make good days better. I see and feel the strength inside me and champion women by my deed and thought each day. I champion children by my work. I champion others that need it by small things a smile, a few pounds. I offer love every day to even those that have hurt me. I have set boundaries with those that would draw me back. I like my own company and have been enjoying music.
Cognitive recall or just memory hahahah has improved as I have stepped out of the fight flight freeze responses.I battle the lure of pornography every day and I am winning.Alcohol and sugar are pleasures in life not needs to cope. Sex is unwanted unless it comes with love. I too feel the word you used “Wholesome” within me and know that anyone intimate partner or friend who gets to share in it will benefit as will I be able to of them,’ EF. Ireland.

There’s a simple reason that everything seems to go wrong at the same time.
Work related stress explodes into overwhelm and nothing you do seems to work out anymore, you just can’t seem to make the right decisions or worse, any decision.
And at home, it feels like it’s all falling apart too as everyone keeps making demands on your time, energy, efforts and you just can’t keep it together anymore.
And lashing out in frustration just makes you feel even worse.
A failure. Or so you think.
At home, at work, in life – where once you felt like a king, when everything you did just worked out.
What happened?
Where did it all go wrong?
And how TF can you bring it back?
The answer is you.
You happened, you were where it all went wrong and only you can bring it all back.
What do I mean?
Somewhere, somehow, one day you got stressed about something, a small thing, not a big deal really but you didn’t do anything about it and it just stayed in your mind, that little thing that didn’t go to plan, that you maybe messed up somehow, or allowed to happen when it shouldn’t have.
And that little stress started to infect other things because that’s how stress works, it snowballs. And before you know it, everything is starting to go wrong and you have no idea what happened because you’re still showing up just the same every day, doing your best at home and in the workplace.
But you’re not.
Because stress makes you stupid. That’s a scientific fact. And we don’t even realise it. Stress actually stops our rational, logical and creative thinking. We stop thinking period!
‘Last year I was alone and lonely and I hated myself. This year, I’m still alone but no longer lonely. I value the time I have to get to know who I am and bring all of me to a relationship where I will be valued and appreciated.’
Instead we react. React to the hundreds of things that could and might and occasionally do go wrong every day. Instead of looking for solutions, we’re firefighting, never looking further than a sticking plaster for today’s crisis, ignoring the looming disaster bearing down on us because we just can’t look past all the sh!t that’s coming at us right now!
Overwhelm, burnout, exhaustion, even pain and medically unexplained symptoms and disorders all come from the same thing – spending far too long in that stressed out state.
We are stuck in a stew of toxic stress hormones that disrupt our whole damn lives if we don’t take care of it. And soon.
Stress threatens our survival, it certainly affects our lifestyle. We’ve gotten so busy with work and nonstop entertainment and distraction that we don’t stop to contemplate what our life is about, what we’re working so hard for.
And life and work and even family and our relationships stop being productive or fun, so we just anesthetize our feelings and turn our back, sweeping the matter under the carpet.
Self medicating with a drink or two and maybe one too many, or eating too much, or working late into the night even though we know we’re not being productive. All so we don’t have time to stop and think about where we’re headed.
Until we reach crisis point!
Which is when we fall apart, experiencing a nervous breakdown, or depression, anxiety, panic attacks or a physical collapse of some kind. Whatever form it takes, it will surely come to each of us if we don’t stop and take time to heal.
Crises can be necessary! It can be an excellent thing if we are courageous enough to go deep in our healing.
But why wait until you actually fall apart, why wait until life goes completely to f*ck before you seek help?
‘A window of hope, inspiring, motivational to change, thought provoking and life changing. At the minute I am struggling with work and increased caring responsibilities, listening to this and knowing my feelings were normal and common helped me to not feel a victim for struggling.’ JC
Unfortunately, our society still labels this as defeatism, weakness or cowardice.
But facing our out of control spiral downwards and asking for help is one of the bravest and most productive things a human being can do. It’s the most effective path back to health, happiness and joy.
We can’t fight nature. No matter how exhausted or depressed we are; we keep pushing ourselves on until we collapse: mentally, emotionally, physically. It becomes difficult to suppress our violence, lashing out in panic and frustration.
And we end up hating the person we are turning into.
Which creates even more stress! Aargh! How do we make it stop?
As a result (of our work together) my sleeping has improved, thoughts holding me back are no longer important. I feel as if a burden has been lifted from my shoulders I am now lighter and happier my whole body feels energised.
What’s really important here? What is the real importance of your actions, goals, and even your bigger purpose?
Does what you do really matter?
Who do you want it to matter to?
We human beings are the most marvelous creatures! We dream of the impossible and fight hard to bring it to life. We believe that we can make anything happen. We can build empires, and even more importantly live a life that matters to us and others.
We have this burning intensity within us that insists on being alive no matter what, despite how much we may be suffering.
But we become obsessed with success. Even before starting a project, we’re already anxious for the results. We live for the future. We’ve become addicted to it.
However when you focus on your actions, instead of the results, it can make all the difference in your life. What you intend to do doesn’t matter, it’s what you do that makes things happen.
And actions start within, from your thoughts and feelings.
How can you bring your best to what you’re doing? How do you show up as your Best Self more of the time?
Instead of looking to the future and fantasizing about what could happen and then getting anxious about what might or might not happen, stay in the present moment.
Real miracles happen when you stop trying to avoid your present. Face it and solve the issues therein.
When you’re able to face your feelings, whatever they are and not be overwhelmed by them, not distract yourself by acting out, you begin to switch off the stress response and turn on the thinking, productive part of you.
Your inner life dictates your outer life. When you allow yourself to feel love, sadness, anger, fear, joy, anxiety, and boringness with the same acceptance, the chaotic downward spiral stops.
But are you ready to face yourself?
We are warriors at our core. We began with the fight to live and we fight during our whole life. Just think of the struggle to learn to walk or of surviving High School!
Think of how many threats you have faced over your lifetime, both real and imagined. Each of your skills, you’ve developed through effort. You earned all you’ve got, nothing comes for free!
Our warrior spirit, combined with our creativity and ingenuity, makes us incredible beings! Every one of us is capable of unimaginable feats, each of us able to change our world.
But this modern world can quickly overrun our highly attuned nervous systems which are programmed for our survival and nothing more. Primitive humans didn’t care about success or paying mortgages: staying alive was the best result they hoped for. It was all they aimed for, to live another day.
But prolonged exposure to stress leads into depression and anxiety, again a survival mechanism adaptation.
Reacting to events rather than being creative and brilliant is a primitive response.
We’ve stopped using our evolutionary advantage and instead become victims to our least evolved part.
It’s time to allow the panic to dissolve, to reverse the spiral and climb out of the hole you dug for yourself. When you do, your numbness will vanish, your anger, rage and frustration will dissipate.
- You’ll get much closer to people again. You will find yourself much more empathetic and compassionate.
- You’ll feel strong and capable again. You’ll have the mental space to think clearly.
- And from this place, you can find the little daily actions which make the difference.
We all want to be better. We all want to do better.
And that starts within.
Respect yourself so that you can stand in a place of power in your life.
And start to imagine living a life that inspires, excites and satisfies you, heart and soul. Enabling you to deliver on all that potential you know is still waiting inside to be tapped.
Can you see yourself being your best self at every level, in all areas of life?
The only thing stopping you being your best self right now is how you feel right now.
Overwhelmed, too busy, so much going on and you’re being pulled in all directions at once. Unable to decide whether you prioritise, work, relationships, family, or yourself. And the pressure from one spills over into everything else.
Do you have the ability to reset and get right with yourself and life again?
Everything that’s getting in your way: the work pressures, the family rows, the relationship strain. You know it’s all coming from the same place.
Stop wrestling in the darkness and switch on the light.
I’ll be your guide through the darkness and into the light. And who am I?
The name’s Curry, Cynthia Curry – nothing works like Bond, James Bond does it?
I’m a professional hypnotist, neuroscience researcher and psychology geek and I work with people who feel stuck, like they just can’t catch a break anymore, that life is out to get them and we rewire their thinking so they see the opportunities and solutions that were always there, they were simply too stressed to access them.
I help people quit their crappy, unhelpful thinking that was making them unhappy and focus on thoughts that bring peace, clarity, happiness so they can live a life that they’re proud of, that makes them feel like they’ve conquered the world.
Being a Better Man, No Matter What!
This is an intensive, no holds barred process for change, releasing the programming that has you running outdated protocols that serve no-one in today’s world.
Imagine trying to solve all this by yourself. You could follow the route I took, it’s only taken me 20 years of training in psychology, hypnotherapy, sanomentolgy, EFT, energy training and so much more; as well as attending lectures, courses and seminars every year; and of course reading hundreds of books, at least one a month.
All that at a cost of at least £80,000. Plus the time! All that time I’ve invested, but if you’re not in a hurry to solve your issues, you can go down that route.
Or you could go to the doctor and get some antianxiety, antidepressant medication and stay on that for the rest of your life. I have no idea what that would cost you in monetary terms but the quality of life costs would be immense.
Or you could jack it all in and go live in a retreat in Tibet, become a monk and meditate all day every day. Sounds pretty attractive really, that option doesn’t it? Until you realise it’s a fantasy and you don’t actually want to walk away from your current life, you just want it to be better.
And what happens if you do nothing and keep struggling on?
I’ll tell you what, sooner or later you’ll face a health crisis, physical, mental and emotional. You’ll face a complete collapse. Stress is the root cause of 95% of all illness and disease according to research from Harvard and Stanford medical schools.
Don’t you want to stop digging that hole now?
If you can find it in yourself to face your problems and then put them to one side as you do this work (easier said than done by yourself!) then you can learn how to change your thinking so you find peace, calm, clarity and the ability to solve all your problems.
Because, when you release the sympathetic nervous system response, you switch on the healing power of your parasympathetic nervous system, known as the rest and digest response.
And you bring back online your creative, logical thinking, your ability to craft innovative solutions to problems that have others beat.
Put simply, it marks you as a winner in life.
Before we get into the program details, let me just end by telling you why I think your future hands in the balance, why this is so important NOW!
We live in very uncertain times, the events of 2020 have shown us the world and our place in it is more precarious than ever.
We are all skating on thin ice and we need to have reservoirs of resilience, courage, clarity and imagination to thrive and rebuild our businesses and communities.
This is the time to take the leap and build your inner strength, create new dynamic ways of showing up in all areas of your life, knowing you will always come out on top
By this time next week, you could have already started changing how you approach your day, your tasks, everything.
By this time next month, you could already be calmer, more peaceful, able to engage in your full arsenal of inner resources and seeing results in your relationships at work and at home.
Others who didn’t dare take the leap stand on the standlines and watch with regret that they didn’t take this opportunity to remake their world in a way that works for them.
Just as you are now doing for you.
This HypnoTherapyCoaching Programme is designed to resolve old tension and leave you free to build a solid foundation of personal strength, empathy, resilience and peace from the inside out.
You’ll experience freedom from all the stuff that’s been holding you back.
Finally free to be you as you were always meant to be without compromise, without pretense, without false promises and self imposed limits.
Know your own power!
Become Immune To Criticism. Unconstructive criticism, especially from yourself, can wreak havoc on your mind and body. Learn how to see it as an ally in your progress to bring a better man.
Regain Control Of Your Thinking and Focus. Gain an unshakable attitude that helps you cut through unwanted distractions and focus on your priorities.
Get Familiar With The Unfamiliar. Too many people settle for a comfort zone of mediocrity and familiarity, while avoiding the unknown due to a fear of failure or change. Be excited to explore, grow, and challenge yourself.
Do What Scares You First. Often, it’s the difficult tasks you procrastinate on that hold you back from your goals and dreams. Be one of those who does the hard things first, speeding up your journey to success.
Take Consistent Daily Actions. It’s what you do every day that makes the difference in how you feel about yourself and life. Learn how to prioritise your self care and never compromise on what’s important in keeping you on track.
What the program looks like:
12 sessions, a plan designed exclusively for you, based on my proven system that takes people from fed up, confused, sad, angry, in pain to liking themselves, actually liking who they are for maybe the first time in their adult life, and showing up engaged at work, in their family, in relationships.
Life simply gets better!
Each session will be followed up with specific homework for you to help integrate the healing work achieved during our time together.
If you want to be free and are committed to making it happen, then this program is for you.
Cynthia xx
Click on the link to our contacts page and email, message or call me to book your free consultation.
‘This is Powerful. Everyone needs to experience HYPNOTHERAPY with Cynthia.’ Maura
Being My Best Self is available via online Zoom sessions.
All you need to build your life without limits is inside of you. Release the brakes, set yourself free.
A life with no limits, let’s go for it.
Cynthia xx
Email or message me for the details
There’s also a failsafe guarantee. Please know that you will always be safe with me. If after our first session, you feel that HypnoTherapy coaching isn’t for you, simply email to cancel and you will be refunded the full amount minus the cost of the session(s) you had. And you can cancel your monthly subscription at any time.
PPS. If you’re still reading, I love you! Thank you. This bit is for you. The person who needs this work the most is the one who will deny it to themselves, who will feel guilty to even think about investing in themselves. If it was someone they loved and they thought it had even the remotest chance of helping, they wouldn’t hesitate. But for themselves? NO!
The disconnect between what they need and what they feel and believe they deserve is too big. They think about all the other ways that money could be used, and not now, it’s just not the right time.
Let me tell you something, it’s never the right time to do this work and it’s always absolutely NOW when you should. Ready to move forward into love joy and freedom? Because that’s your birthright. Love, joy and freedom.
Claim it!