F*ck everybody else, what do you need?

Do you know what’s the heaviest thing in the world to carry?

Other people’s expectations.

And those expectations become our own. We put ridiculous strictures around how things and how we should be.

Its not enough to just get up and out the door on time: we have to have the kids perfectly turned out, with a good breakfast and a lunch made and homework checked, house cleaned and ourselves groomed and perfectly pulled together too.

I gave up on all of that last year. I can count the number of times I’ve worn make up since March on the fingers of one hand. But I still get a twinge of guilt when I’m out walking Amelia and meet a few perfectly made up and groomed ladies.

And that’s the tip of the iceberg. There’s parental expectations, peer expectations, relationship expectations, career expectations, job load expectations, body image expectations, financial expectations, societal expectations and on and on. Jeez, even our downtime has expectations are you wtaching the right shows, reading the proper books, buying organic food and skincare, is your shampoo sulphate free, is your detergent kind to dolphins?

And that constant comparison and finding ourselves lacking takes it toll.

So, let’s just stop. Let’s give ourselves a pass.

When you start comparing yourself, just say stop to yourself. STOP and think!

Would you really swap lives with that person?

Wouldn’t you rather be your favourite version of yourself and be happy with that?

And that starts with feeling good about who you are, accepting where you’re at and then deciding to let everything else go.

When you do that, then you can move forward. And its so much easier from a place of acceptance and feeling good about yourself than struggling with shame, resistence and judgment. That’s the stuff that keeps you stuck.

Let’s get you unstuck. Relax. Think about what you really want, how you want to feel and feel it. Give yourself the feelings you want instead of allowing your thinking about your circumstances to withold them from you.

And keep your focus on those wonderful, lovely things you want and the feelings they bring as often as you can, all day, every day.

So what if you don’t have them yet? You can still feel good. And if you’re not letting yourself feel good, that’s on you, no-one else. So give yourself the gift of feeling like you are living your ideal life, being that version of you that you love.

And the weight is gone, you feel lighter. Happier and surprisingly, you are just so much more you and able to get on with everything in your own way.

And that’s good enough. Change will happen automatically because of this. Watch and see.

If you want more information and posts like this, please like and follow my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/MindsetTrainingandHypnoTherapy


Cynthia xx

And my new FR** Masterclass on emotional resilience and healing old trauma, literally learning to shine your light into the darkness of those spaces inside will be on 21st October @7 UK (BST) time.

Links to register will go up soon. I can’t wait to share this with you.



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