I can make you smarter!

Yes, I can. I can make you smarter.

I can also make you a better problem solver.

I can make you nicer to be around.

I can help you unlearn your taste for addictive substances and processes (gambling, pornography, sex – anything that gives you a dopamine rush and then crash).

I can help you be calmer.

I can help you define your boundaries so you actually get to fully relax and enjoy the people you’re with,

I can help you decide on who you really want show up as in your life and actually then do so.

I can help you imrpove your relationships.

I can improve your memory.

I can introduce you to your inner wisdom and show you how to sort the voice of your truth from that of fear, of habit, of learned small thinking.

I can do all that but only, ONLY if you show up and allow yourself to be guided into it all.

What do you want freedom from?

Let’s deliver that.

What do you want freedom to do?

Lets define that so you can have it too.

Everything you’re holding yourself back from that you want? Why not just let go of resistance and do it?

You can’t, you absolutely physically, mentally and emotionally just can’t let it go?

What if I could guide you into doing so?

Are you currently living in a way that could be described as…





You’ve probably tried everything to make yourself feel in control, to get some relief from this cognitive congestion.

And you’re bored because whilst you want help, you’ve seen all the webinars, read all the books, tried all the systems and processes and modalities.And yet, here you are, still searching for something to make it all go away or at least make sense of it all.

What if you could achieve deep, clear, focused thinking in an engaging, dynamic experience?

Because where does everything you seek reside?

Within you!

And I’m your Inner Self Tour Guide.

That’s what ‘Be Your Own Lighthouse’ is about. Going inside and discovering what you want to change.

And every session is different because every week you are different.

This is about to wake you up out of the trance of negative thinking and repeating harmful behaviour patterns.

What are you tolerating right now that you really would rather be without in your life? What would you rather be experiencing?

When you are your own lighthouse, you are able to guide your way through the fog of indescision, confusion and other people’s opinions.

Every week, we dive deep into those places where the truth lies dormant.

This is an ongoing, 12 months a year process, because transformation doesn’t happen in a 12 week program, I don’t care who you are.

Every week we will meet in the Zoom Room and with the love and support of your fellow explorers you will discover who you are. Essentially you will polish up that light of yours and let it shine.

Tune into yourself and act from that place within.

When you listen to your innate wisdom and act from there, you switch on your personal superpowers and everything starts falling into place. Things finally make sense. You feel right in your body. Your thoughts and feelings are your truth GPS and life gets better and better.

You want to know more?

Where: Zoom Room – where you can be comfortable and not be disturbed

What: A hybrid of coaching, hypnotic meditation and mindset training

When: Every Thursday starting 14th October at 7pm UK (London) Time

How Much: First week is Free. After that, £247/month.

Time Off: There is a break every seventh week. That’s right, one week every two months we get time to rest, process, relax (Go WILD!)

The Crew: People like you, looking for solutions and as many as show up – group work is amazing. The energy is off the charts and the support and encouragement helps you believe in yourseelf faster.

Sign up here to get your Zoom Invite for the introductory session on Oct 14th.


Cynthia xx

Here’s what one client said about their experience of this work:

‘I got deeper in me and I had a cry in me that I could feel and release. And I feel so good today.
It takes time to do this work and it really helps. I feel as if I have been washed on my inside. ‘

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