I’m dropping a bomb today! Its not ‘mental health; we should be looking at…

Psychiatry, psycho-analysis, psychology – what do all these things have in common?

The are sciences of ‘the mind.’ Sciences that were in the most part created by men, developed by men, and perpetuated by men on the rest of the world.

What are men not very good at?

What do they avoid, deny, distract, disdain?

Apart from women – lol! (not really funny and sadly true)

The answer I’m looking for is, of course, feelings, emotions.

Men hate emotions.

Men aren’t supposed to have feelings.

We can thank you patriarchy and gender roles for this.

So, we get this ‘mental health’ industry and yes, it is an industry because psychiatry in cahoots with the pharaceutical companies decided to make profits, huge profits from every single client by prescribing them chemicals.

What they did not do is ask,’why?’

Why are these people experiencing such mental anguish?

The medical model of the mind is very similar to the medical model of physical health. Root causes are not looked for, instead let’s just deal with the symptoms.

Yes, your ‘mental health’ whether it is highly anxious, depressed, psycotic or whatever is a symptom, not the actual issue.

The issue is what you’re avoiding, denying, supressing, distracting yourself from.

Yes, its your feelings. Your emotions.

Your emotions, those bodily sensations that rise up are what drives your thoughts.

And because we don’t want to feel our feelings we stay all up in our heads with these uncomfortable, miserable thoughts. And just like the drinker will turn to alcohol to mitigate their symptoms, which then becomes a problem in and of itself. So your thinking, which once served as a distraction from your feelings becomes its own issue and you’ve forgotten that there is something underneath.

The key to healing our health, physical and mental from chronic issues is to go into our feelings. We have to be willing to be uncomfortable and sit with fear, sit in pain, welcome the agony of loneliness, remember the distress of abandonment, be scorched by our redhot rage over the hurts, abuse, disappointments and disapprovals, the flush of shame and embarassment.

Whoo! Nobody wants to do that!

But, it is the easiest and fastest way to bring you back to wholeness, to equilibrium, to yourself.

I say we must fall apart faster.

We always struggle to stay pulled together, to keep going no matter what. And its that struggle to avoid falling apart that is our biggest downfall.

Fall apart. Allow yourself to wail, scream, sob, grieve, hurt, burn with anger, flush with humiliation, rage at your powerlessness.

Anxiety and depression can’t stand in the face of your emotions. They get pushed aside like sandcastles by a tsunami.

Stop trying to keep it together. Allow yourself to feel whatever it is you’ve been pushing away.

But…and I stay this from love, do it with someone who knows how to guide you through to the other side.

Other people will be stunned by emotional outbursts and want to make you feel better and soothe you.Because your emotions make them uncomfortable.


You have to feel your pain.

The only way out is through.

Get out of your head and into your body.

FEEL. BE the emotion, allow it to course through your body. Shake, shiver, stomp, curl up in a ball,batter your hands against a pillow. Dance, run, pound the pavement with your feet.

This is what your mind and body need to reconnect. Pull down the barriers you have erected and feel.

That is your way out from anxiety, drepression, ‘mind matters.’ You find your way out by being in your body and feeling your way through.

Want to know how to get into the emotion?

Firstly, breathe. Breathe great big, deep lungfuls of air. Keep breathing throughout the process. That is key. Holding your breathe is a reaction to the emotion, to feel it, you need to breathe in it.

Sit with your feet firmly planted on the ground. Acknowledge your groundedness, even say it aloud. Breathe.

Sit in your anxiety. Don’t try to avoid it, mitigate it in any way. Same with your depression. Picture it as a seperate entity from you, and be with it. Ask it what it wants, what its helping you with, what its hiding you from.

Breathe. Keep taking big deep breaths.

Maybe see a door in your mind you can walk through or a trapdoor you fall through and into the emotion. BREATHE.

Sit with the emotion. Its going to feel overwhelming, painful, so hard, your brain will say this is too much, you can’t do it. You can and you must. BREATHE.

Whatever comes up, a picture, vision, feeling, sensation, sit with it and breathe.

Stay until the end, until the emotion has waned, has worked itself out of your body. Yes, the simple act of paying attention to it processes it through you. BREATHE.

Cry if you need to, laugh, yawn. All are normal reactions to this kind of emotional release. Keep breathing.

Et voila, you have healed from a trauma, an old emotional response that was buried in your body which eventually manifested in your thoughts and health.

Would you like to do this in an incredibly supportive group environment?

Of course you would. That’s what we all want and need.

And that’s what I am now bringing to you. A brand new program that combines hypnosis with meditation, coaching and neuroscience in a weekly group session that walks you through a process that facilitates this kind of release every week.

I can’t wait. We’re launching with a FR** Masterclass 21st October.

I had pencilled in an earlier date but getting the tech pulled together to do all this was something I struggled with and I’ve handed it over to experts, so we’ll be launching 21st and nothing will stop us now.

I really hope you get in on this, its what I know you and everyone needs.

I’d love if you gave me an expression of your interest with a comment below, type ‘Renew’ and you’ll be one of the first to get details of teh signup page when its ready.


Cynthia xx

See you soon. I can’t wait to share this with you.





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