Its not a struggle, its your choice

Oh wow! Did I really say that?

Yep. and I know you won’t like hearing this but its true.

The struggle is real. I’m not saying it isn’t. Of course its real.

But to be in struggle? That is your choice.

Because you can choose otherwise… to let go, to reflect and grow. To be at peace and move forward.

Here’s the thing you’re missing; the life you’re living is about perception. That’s it.

How you perceive things to be is your lived experience. That means that if you changed your perception, your life would be different.

Yes. Simply by altering how you perceive the world around you and what’s happening in it, youcan change your life.


No way, right? All this has happened to you, people did things, circumstances were difficult, life sucks.

Sure, that can be true. But also, everything happens for you, things fall into place and life is amazing and good and joyous.

How do you switch perception from one reality to another?

Change your thinking.


There are many different aspects of ourselves, parts of our psyche that have been frozen in time and growth. There’s the part of you that feels like a victim, there’s a part of you that is a glorious creator and many more that you can identitify if you spend a little bit of time seeing how you react to people and events when you’re in different moods. One of my favourite things to do in hypnosis, is to introduce people to all the various parts they have in their boardroom, and often the one they most want to be in control is MIA!

But lets just stick with the Victim and the Creator. Every one of us has those two and we’ve all mostly learned to live in the Victim mindset. When in Victimhood, we have no power. Power, instead, belongs to other people, events, organisations, whatever we choose to give it to.

When we’re in our Creator mindset, we have all the power, we see things happening and decide its going to be good for us, we’re going to use it as fuel to drive us onto building the life we want.

I’m not sitting on some mountain top, a fully enlighted, ascended guru telling you this from way on high. I’m sharing this as someone who regularly falls into the trenches of struggle and victimhood herself. Sometimes for days, weeks even months until I remember that I can choose differently.

That’s not to say that you don’t get hurt, sometimes life sucks. And if you’re out there living a full life, you will get hurt, because life throws sh!t at us regularly.

But, when you choose to always see everything that happens as for your own good, as an accelorator of your personal and spiritual growth, well then its always good, no matter what happens.

One of my dear Swedish friends shared something she says when she has that choice between Victim and Creator, she asks herself ‘What is in this that’s good for me that I am yet to understand?’

I like that, it sets our brain off on a quest to find answers that show the good in that circumstance, whatever it is.

We get lost in struggle, we lose time…days, weeks, even years in disappointment, regret reliving hurts. We lose momentum in our work, peace in our relationships, joy in living. And in worst cases, we lose ourselves. Becoming shadows of the vibrant, alive person we once were.

Long term victim thinking is what creates anxiety, depression and stress.

And it is simply solved. Think like you’re creating your life, concentrate on what you want to experience, build enthusiasm for your dreams and vision.

And yes, I know that’s hard to do when you are trained to believe all power is outside of you and you are hopeless and helpless. Learned helplessness is a widespread fricking disease in modern western culture.

I know because its so easy for me to fall into that way of thinking too. But you must catch yourself and practice. Every day, several times a day. Think only about what is good, ask to learn what is of benefit for you in your current circumstance, be appreciative of what you have.

Other things that help are breathwork, meditation and having fun. Play, dance, swim, laugh.

Give yourself joy every day. And fully appreciate every single second of it, taste it on your tongue, listen to the sound of your joy, feel its energy in your body, sing out loud with joy, see it, touch it, feel it, hear it, taste it.

Experience joy and the struggle melts away.



Cynthia xx


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