Just how much of what annoys you about your life is your fault?

Yeah, I know, none of its your fault, its always the other people!

Tell me, when you wake up in the morning do you spend even a second deciding how you’re going to show up that day? What you intend to feel as you go about your business?

Or is it all run by default?

Most people think that’s it, that this is life: you wake up, get up and spend the day reacting to what happens to you.

Kinda sucks to be so powerless, doesn’t it?

I am not punching down, I promise you because I was late to having awareness of how life, the universe and my own mind works.

But now I know, I want everyone to know so you can make better choices, hell, just know you do have choices.

How we feel is not a good indication of how our life is really going. Its simply a response to our current circumstance and will change if those circumstances change.

Don’t tie yourself to living according to how you feel because that’s as changeable as the weather.

Here’s the thing I discovered and it keeps growing for me in certainty as evidence, science and research backs it up.

We can choose not only how we feel, but how we respond to how we feel.

Imagine waking up in the morning and even before you open your eyes you realise something’s different.

You feel good.

You feel good about yourself, your body, your work, your life.

You feel happy in your skin and in your mind.

There’s a deep sense of peace, satisfaction, contentedness that emanates from your heart through every part of you. 

And its not dependent on any circumstance, or relationship or getting anything from anywhere other than  inside of you.

And everything is still the same to other people, but to you everything looks and feels different. There is a new sense of lightness, possibility, the potential for good, to do good that runs through everything you think of now.

Life has given you a fresh start, a do over, to become the you that you always wanted to be.

Confidence – Unshakeable self belief in how you show up in your relationships at home, at work, with friends and in the most intimate of your partnerships.

You no longer put off your needs because you know your happiness and satisfaction matters. Now feeling good and choosing to do things that make you feel good is your first priority.

Peace – You no longer lose a minute of peace worrying over someone’s reaction to something you say or do. And sure you still make mistakes but you own them and take appropriate action to rectify them, refusing to be made feel small or embarrassed ever again. 

You’re a badass who walks her own path.

Connection – Truer, deeper, more sincere connection with others than you’ve ever known. Because you are being so true to yourself, others step up in their integrity. Relationships with family, friends, colleagues, strangers are transformed and made smoother and easier. You hold inviolable boundaries which frees you up to give yourself totally within that safety zone.

This is life on your terms. It all becomes possible when you know exactly who you truly are.

When you know what really matters to you and know your true value and own it.

So to answer my question about how much of what annoys you is your fault? All of it because you choose to react to it.

You can choose something different, something fabulous.

All it takes it self discipline and commitment.

Choose to feel good. Choose to see good in the world around you. Choose to find silver linings and good luck charms.

If nothing else, wouldn’t you rather feel better all the time about life as it is. Beating yourself up and feeling miserable changes nothing.

Relax into change by choosing to feel good.

And every morning when you wake up, hypnotise yourself into expecting to have a great day, simply by closing your eyes and repeating to yourself, I’m feeling great today. Today is going great for me. Everything just works out for me. I love my life.’

Because you get what you expect in life.

So, expect great things.

As Alice would say, believe in 7 impossible things before breakfast,


Cynthia xx

PS. Want to go deeper , faster and cretae that self discipline and build your new identity?

Soul Identity Reclamation, my new course, is going to be so much fun because every week I’m going to share new tools and an hypnosis experience that will rock your socks off!

Its super low cost because I want to make this a ‘no-brainer fuck yes, I’m in!’ for you.

£69 over an 8 week program – I may add more, we’ll see how we go.

Starting Thursday 26th May and running weekly, from 7pm -8.30pm.

We will show you the joy of connection to your heart and soul, the simplicity and elegance of living from your true self.

Email me or message me for the details. This is going to be the prototype for my signature program and the next time its offered, it will cost at least $2000.


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