One thing I’ve recently come to realise…being a problem solver is actually not a good thing

Imagine living your dream life, where you are that ideal version of you, surrounded by the people, animals, work, things, the total environment of your ideal vision of life.

What’s one thing that’s not there?

Problems, right?

There are no problems in that ideal world, but what else has changed?

I mean if you lived your current life just without any problems, does that make it your ideal life?

Let’s take one problem people speak to me about a lot, wanting to lose weight.

First of all, your failure is baked into that from the start, because whatever we lose, we always want to find again. think of how frantic you get when you lose your keys or purse/wallet or your dog/child goes missing. And yet, we think our brain, which has been trained to want to regain whatever it has lost, will be happy with loss in this one instance? Uh-uh! Instead say you want to regain your lost slim figure or drop excess weight, release those excess pounds.

But that’s a side issue.Let’s get back to the main point.

Solving the problem of losing weight. Okay, so you’re able to will yourself into being slim through diet and exercise – problem solving right? But that’s so hard and ultimately unsuccessful because the mind that caused you to gain weight in the first place is still the one you’ve got so you almost inevitably put the weight back on and you have to solve your problem all over again.

What if you shift from problem solving – ie. losing weight, to instead creating from the end result you want. Which is to have a healthy, lean, strong body that you love. When you create from the end result, you have different energy and power, you are creating something, you are adding to your life, providing creative answers vs taking problems away.

Creating from the end result would mean waking up every day and spending time focusing on that ideal vision of you in a lean, healthy strong body that you love. And that focus on the end result builds a bridge from where you are to where you want to be, all you have to do is every day focus on the vision and follow the guidance you receive in the moment. And if you realign with your vision throughout the day? Even better!

We are trained from babyhood to think of situations that make us uncomfortable as problems. And when we see them as problems we try to solve them. I used to be so proud of my internal ‘problem-solver’ badge. I now know that it just kept me going round and round in circles.

Our understanding of how life works is formed by our desires, beliefs, assumptions, aspiration and our perception of what’s already happened to us. But what if we’re wrong, what if life doesn’t operate in the way we uncovered through our childhood, watching our parents and caregivers?

What if we received the wrong manual?

What if there’s actually a way to live where you can create what you truly want in any circumstance?

When you are solving a problem, you take action to  make something (the problem) go away.

When you work as a creator, you take action to have something come into being.

I read a quote, I can’t remember all of it or who it was from but it was about rather than trying to solve your problems, which keeps you stuck in the same place, outgrow them.

Being a creator, building a bridge from your end result, creates growth in you and your life. I finally understand what they meant!

Rather than saying how do I make this unwanted situation go away? Imagine the power and energy of asking what do I do to create the results I want?

Don’t spend your life trying to solve problems that will keep coming back.

Spend your time and energy focused on the life you want to live and support yourself in its creation.

And do you know what really helps with that? Funnily enough, its taking time to be still, to meditate, to go inside and tap into your Higher Consciousness before you do anything.

And my new program, which you can join at any time because it runs from one week to the next every month, month after month does exactly that for you in a supported, encouraging group setting.

Because as another half remembered quote says, if you want to get something done, do it yourself, and if you want it done better and faster do it with others.

Join us, you’ll be glad you did.


Cynthia xx

Here are all the details to sign up:


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