What is Higher Consciousness?

My Goodness, you missed an amazing night! The women who were there and I had a truly transformational experience on Thursday at my Be Your Own LightHouse Masterclass,

It was so good that everyone who was there has signed up to continue in the paid program, although I have made it almost impossible to say no, with an irresistible price. (Which I am also offering to you!)

But for those who weren’t there, let me recap what Be Your Own Lighthouse is about.

This program is an opportunity for you to every week be guided into a state of deep meditation whereby you reach Higher Consciousness and tap into the Infinite Intellingence of everything. And its lifechanging because from that incredible state of relaxed bliss you don’t solve the problems of your life, you create solutions so you outgrow them. This is the state where exponential healing happens for you, whether its physical, emotional or spiritual.

So, what is Higher Consciousness?

It can be called God, Souce, Infinite Intellience, Higher Self, Divine Wisdom, or simply that place that is deep inside of each of us that connects us to everything past, present and future. Conscious Energy – the creative force that built and expands the Universe.

And you are a part of it, as it is part of you. We are all one and everything is connected.

Yeah, I know how woo-woo all that sounds but I also know its true and I can’t deny it because I tap into my Higher Consciousness at least once a day. This goes beyond the subsconscious mind, although it obviously plays a part in how you interpret the signals and messages you receive.

There’s a place that lives inside all of us, although some of us never acknowledge it, a place that when we get quiet, still our minds and sit peacefully, we can tap into this knowing, this send of belonging, of everything being perfect, blissful, peaceful.

And this is why its so powerful to heal our lives from this place, because we do it in a state of knowing everything is working out for us, that we are ok, more than okay and creativity flows, we see new ways to engage with other people, with situations that once seemed impossible to cope with. We flow like water around, over, under, past all obstacles in our way. There’s no need to push, to strain, to work it all out, we ease our way to where we want to be because we know from our inner journey that universal energy are on our side.

Doing this immersion in Higher Consciousness every week creates a layering affect that innoculates you from the stress and strife of daily life. I’m not saying you won’t experience frustration or disappointment, grief or sadness, of course not, they are part of our human condition but when you habitually tap into Higher Consciouness you find you don’t engage with that frustration or grief or disappointment or anger. You see it, see the reason for it, allow it to pass through you and readjust your focus to the life you want to live.

That is the power of intention. Like a long distance plane journey, going off course and always realigning with the destination in mind, not the turbulence that knocked it off course.

Be Your Own Lighthouse is where I guide you into that deeply contemplative state and you can ask for guidance, answers, healing – whatever you want and need.

And the particpants are raving about their experience. One said that she had never imagined she could be so relaxed and yet she never felt stronger and able to take on everything in her life and make it work.  Another loved how peaceful and relaxed she felt as she visited distant galaxies and asked for healing and support and received blessings.

This is an ongoing program, and you can join at any time. Dip in and try it, I guarantee you’ll love it or you’ll get your money back.

Be Your Own LightHouse – give yourself a solid foundation of self awareness, self love and Higher Consciouness support combined with shining a light across your life and inner landscape to heal and grow.

There is only peace, joy and connection to gain, nothing to lose. Comment, hit reply or message me to find out how to join us in this weekly practice of accessing bliss.


Cynthia xx



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