Tell me what you want, what you really, really want!

Don’t you love the Spice Girls? I do. And when Wannabe bust onto the music and cultural scene of the Uk and quickly spread across the globe it was like a finally something new – fresh – and slightly dangerous.

5 young women who were doing what they wanted to do, being loud, sometimes rude, always together as a team. Until they weren’t, but that’s another story.

Wannabe truly seemed to sum up the Spice Girls ethos, they knew what they wanted and they were going for it.

But most of us, when asked what we really, really want, don’t tap into anything more than what today’s media and culture tell us we should want…a flashy car, big house, followers on social media, to be famous and rich.

What if you were to dig into your heart and soul, to sit with the question for hours, days even. What do you really, really want?

Most of us actually want pretty much to have what we’ve got only a bit better, with fewer problems. Research has even found that a higher percentage of those surveyed want more recognition for the work they do than a higher salary.

And there’s brain chemistry at work here too. Because our brain likes things to stay the same. Stay in that comfort zone of knowing what you’re doing day after day, with no emotional highs or lows.

But, staying in that zone we find our lives get smaller and smaller, we don’t try new things, go out of our way to introduce new people into our lives or attend events that sound unfamiliar.

When I set out to train as a hypnotherapist, I thought it was the next step on the road of what I’d been doing up til then, studying psychology, training in psychoanalysis, working in mental health charities.

But recently, I’ve come to realise that using hypnosis as a tool to heal myself and others has opened up my world to something amazing, strange and new. I have an ability to guide people into an altered state of consciousness that enables them to access their Higher Self, Infinite Intelligence, Higher Consciousness – call it what you will.

Its the most beautiful, profound and healing work and I love it. Both because it feels so good to me to do this work and my clients love it and rave about the healing they gain, the peace they find, the clarity they access.

People leave behind anxiety, depression, confusion, anger, guilt and so much more. And its done in such a peaceful, calm and relaxed way, without questions, without intrusion.

Guided into a blissful, relaxed state in body and mind, people access wisdom, insight, knowledge and connection that in their day to day stressed and distracted state they are otherwise denied.

I feel like I’m now really doing the work I was preparing for all these years. This is it. Be Your Own Lighthouse.

In the coming weeks and months, I’m going to be adding two different strands of similar work, there will be Addiction Recovery- pathway to peace and  Me Vs My Size – feeling good in my body no matter the number.

Because here’s what twenty years of experience in this work has taught me. All healing, whether its from anxiety, depression, addiction, food disorders – the disordered behaviour all comes from the same place and similar wounds. And the healing – it all comes from the same place too – from within.

So yes, the work will be similar to what happens in Be Your Own Lighthouse, every Thursday, spiritual and emotional clearing, connecting with your higher self for healing, guidance and joy. This is where you always receive exactly what you need, because you are finding it from within.

The other two strands of sessions will have different cognitive work as there are multiple layers to be addressed, but they are all the same. Awareness of consciousness, awareness of wounds and the behaviours adopted to survive, awareness of the desire to be more of ones self.

I’m so excited for this work and to share it with you.

If you want to find out more about any part of it, let me know.

Oh, and yes 1:1 consultation work is still available but will happen less and less as I develop my groups. So, if you want to delve deep and fast and heal faster, better be quick about it.

I hope you are having a lovely Sunday evening and looking forward to the week ahead. (And if you’re not, what are you doing about it?)

And if you are making changes and unsure about what to do next, write this out, say it out loud a few things, sleep on it and see what great ideas come up for you ‘I trust that my ideas are always the next right thing for me to do.’


Cynthia xx

You can join us in Be Your Own Lighthouse here

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