The layering of pain and how you get to access, experience and then release it from your mind, body and soul

This is going to be a bit of journey through my brain for you as you see how I find different parts of my past, childhood especially to illustrate how the brain works and how we end up stuck with old hurt and painful habits and repeating behaviours.

First of all, lets understand how we actually process pain because none of this will make sense if you don’t realise pain is actually a brain processed and instigated reaction. Yep! When people say its all in your mind – pain wise it actually is!

I want you to imagine you’ve come downstairs in the dark to get a glass of water because you’re thirsty and crossing the kitchen to get to the fridge, you’ve not switched on the light because you can see clearly enough from the light coming in the window but the floor is in complete darkness, you don’t see a lego lying there and yep, you step down on it – hard.

Now here’s what happens inside of your body when that happens: the neuro-transmitters in your foot send a signal to your brain telling it there’s been an incident and sending up all the details it has about what just happened. Your brain is in their big management chair behind their desk, with a warehouse of filing cabinets behind them. They start shouting into their phone, getting all the warehouse neural networks to search through all those filing cabinets and yep, there it is, the file marked ‘standing on things’ with an appendix for the extra impact, even more reaction stuff. That goes up to brain and they see Lego as the No.1 extra impact item and send the signal back down the body to the neural transmitters in your foot saying, PAIN -GO HARD!

And you start jumping around in agony, swearing like a sailor, threatening holy retribution on the hard plastic block that is the object of your downfall. And it all happens in less than a microsecond.

Now, remember that your brain has a warehouse of old events that it relates all current issues to. They get matched up, marked as the same, even if the similarity is not obvious to you.

Okay, so that’s the neuroscience foundation laid, lets get into the story.

Last Thursday I got my Covid Vax booster and whilst I did feel some pain at the time, it didn’t bother me unduly and I was able to get on with my day. We had a great #BeYourOwnLightHouse session, and I felt so blessed to be holding space for the beautiful people attending. But shortly after we had finished, the pain in my arm at the point of injection exploded. My arm ached like a bitch! Way beyond what would be expected.

Okay, I thought, there’s something going on here. And I knew I needed to meet the pain and see what message it held for me.

We can all meet our pain, we should. Because our pain is a message from our body, physical and emotional. What do we need to pay attention to?

As I lay in my bed, very uncomfortable because of the pain, I got quiet and met that pain in my arm, and I became aware of a few other little painful niggles in my body that had been overshadowed by the pain in my arm. A bruise on my shin, an ache in my lower back, nothing major but things that had been lost due to the overwhelm of the pain in my arm.

At this stage it is easy to get distracted and tired but its important to keep going. And meditating into the pain in my arm, I became aware of some layers. And this is where I want to go into another story to illustrate the point before I get to it.

I grew up in the seventies and one of my favourite shows as a young girl was The Bionic Woman. I loved Lindsay Wagner, she’s beautiful, smart and strong and she’s frickin’ bionic! Lindsay’s character, Jamie Sommers was an old girlfriend of The Six Million Dollar Man, Steve Austin, before he was bionic. Then she was injured in a parachute accident and Steve begged his CIA type agency to transform Jaime as he had been transformed, and she ended up with two bionic legs, a bionic arm and a bionic ear.

Now, obviously Jaime has to adjust to being bionic. And during her recovery she’s out for a walk with Oscar, the CIA boss and a young boy goes by on a bike and rings his bell at the same time as a jet flies really low overhead. Jaime jumps because the noise is deafening and she thinks  it all came from the bell. As Oscar explains there were two sounds at the same time, she realises she has to learn how to discern between different sources of sound and how one loud noise can cover up something more subtle.

Okay, so lets go back to the pain in my arm. Meditating into it and other small pains come up and then as I get past that, something else rises. As a child, I grew up in a violent house, we tiptoed around to try not to set off my father and occasionally I was forced to do things I didn’t want to do to keep the peace and help him keep his temper. It might be to eat something I didn’t want to eat, or go to bed early, or clean up after my brothers. I mean what girl ever wants to do that disgusting job.

And that’s also fairly much how I felt about getting the vaccine booster. I didn’t want to do it but felt I had to.

And boom! My brain had one of its minions go into the warehouse cabinets and find this folder and mark up the injection with the pain of this childhood resentment.

No wonder I was in such agony.

Because I had a lot of resentment back then. Resentment I thought I had released but there’s always another level.

And here I was, laying on my bed, accessing a new level of awareness of the pain I was still holding onto from then.

This is what meditation does for you. It gives you access to a superpower that releases all the old pain and resentment, fear and grief you are holding onto, even though you may feel, like me, that you have done so much work on it already.

There is always more healing to be done. New deeper layers of awareness to reach. Old dirt to be peeled off and released.

Our guided hypnotic meditation community  gives you the opportunity to do this work in a supportive, generous, loving space that sees you as whole and newly reborn without the stories other people may have attached to your identity.

And you will learn as you practice week after week to go beyond the obvious and see what is really there for you, You’ll gain massive insight into your spiritual self, your soul and your connection to Universal Consciousness.

Want more healing, love and joy?

Join us won’t you?


Cynthia xx

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