What do you do when its pouring down outside and your wifi is off?

Its the scene of a modern nightmare, no wifi!

How do we survive?

Incredibly isn’t it how much we now rely on the internet and if you’re a doomsday prepper, how do you prepare for this obvious inevitability of the world’s infrastructure failing? What replaces wifi?

I don’t know and I don’t want to know.

The cocoon that wifi brings us with all that the internet supplies, online shopping, streaming, tv channels, podcasts, Youtube. We need never be bored ever again.

And yet, we are. And more than ever before.

Certainly I am. I regularly, daily used to get lost in a good book but now find it hard to concentrate. I’ll read a few pages and the check my socials, turn on the tv and flick through all Netflix has to offer without finding anything I particularly want to watch.

Could I survive without wifi then?

Yeah, probably. Quite well actually. So long as I had previously downloaded all the books I ever wanted to read and had electricity to power up the kindle.

Today feels kinda doomsday like…its pouring with rain and the electricity is off for a few hours.

At first panic sets in but I had already made a full flask of tea so that’s ok.

Next, but what will I do with myself? No laptop power so I can’t write on the blog (I do have literally tons of journals as I always buy them in batches of 6 and forget and buy more).

No tv and I stand and look out the window at the pouring rain. Nothing to distract myself with here.

I could pull out the hoover and cloths and do a bit of Spring cleaning…nope! Not that bored.

And yet, I have tons of notes on a new coaching and hypnosis project that I’m creating, new courses I want to create. I would sooner pull out my own teeth than sit down to make sense of my notes right now.

Why is it we allow outside stuff to influence us so much?

To put us off the path to our desired end goal with a f*ck load of crap weighing us down mentally, emotionally and physically?

When this happens I’ve learned to start paying attention to what’s going on in my mind, to notice my posture and finally pay attention to my breathing.

Telling myself the old stories of ‘not good enough, not smart enough, nothing’s going to work out for the likes of me?’ Check

Slumped in my chair, shoulders rounded, head down, tension in my jaw, neck, throughout my body? Check

Shallow breathing, tongue on the roof of my mouth? Check

This is the work of moving forward in life. Noticing when you fall back into old patterns. If you catch yourself fast enough you don’t fall down the rabbit hole far enough to reach for cake or a glass of wine, instead you can shout ‘Not today, Satan!’ (this makes me laugh because I’m not even vaguely religious) or sometimes I just go, ‘Ah, ah, ah, I see you, you can just go back where you came from’ like I’m telling off a naughty slug trying to climb into my lettuces.

See the stories, know they are just your old thoughts and beliefs and have no power over you unless you give them power. Change your thoughts from ‘No, I can’t’ to ‘Yes, I can and I am.’

Straighten your back, tilt your head up, put a smile on your face, stretch, yawn, release the stored tension in your body – dance, move, walk.

Deep belly breaths, at least five, after first peeling your tongue from the roof of your mouth and allowing it to relax on the floor instead.

Everyday we have a choice to be the version of ourselves we want to be or simply allow the default setting to be what shows up. The default setting isn’t what we are installed with at birth, it actually is layers of values, judgments, criticisms, all the junk  we get indoctrinated with in childhood and that we then reinforce through how we live.

Its hard work but so is staying in the same place being someone you’re not particularly inspired by.

I know which I would rather put my effort into.

I read once that the easy choice always ends up being harder in the long run.

The easy choice is not sitting down to sort out my notes and push ahead with my new ideas, the easy choice is to walk from room to room, listlessly hoping for distraction.

Which will serve me better in the long run?

Which is harder in the long run? For me, that’s easy: to live with a pile of half filled notebooks filled with dreams and hopes and desires I never did anything with. My ultimate nightmare is never to achieve the potential of my work and my ability, to fulfill my creative vision for my life.

Because I know I’ve told you this before but it bears repeating : YOU MUST HAVE A VISION FOR HOW YOU WANT YOUR LIFE TO BE

Change is never easy but it is simple.

Show up every day and choose to be better, choose the disciplined action that leads to long term satisfaction and major reward versus the easy, lazy reaction to whatever shows up.

Thinking about it now, I think a world without wifi wouldn’t be so bad,the endless distractions would be gone and I could concentrate on what’s important to me.

Maybe an hour or two of doing that every day would be a good thing too.


Cynthia xx






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