Why do we find it so difficult to be our true self?

Fast answer – Probably because we don’t know who we truly are.

Long answer.We always know who we truly are but we’ve buried that knowledge deep down in our psyche and covered it over with years and years and years of crap. So we hear a bell ringing from afar, the sound of home but because we’re so used to the fire alarms and sirens we’ve been taught to accept as home we disregard that chiming bell and stay in the cacophony of chaos.

And its funny because when we’re faced with a dilemma or express our fears to someone, they often trot out phrases like ‘you’ll know what to do for the best.’ Or they’ll suggest we go with our gut, or follow our heart but our wiring has become so confused we cannot hear/feel/see the guidance being offered.

One of the reasons why the quiet of meditation is so transformative is because finally we get to hear that quite voice of our Inner Self.

I had a minor annoyance last week. I had written a great article on identity and why some people become angry as a default because they are scared to explore their truth and so reacting in fear they push every invitation to listen to their soul truth far from them. Anyway, I had just pressed publish when I got an instant reaction, a like and a smiley face. I knew the guy (of course it was a man!) couldn’t have read the piece because it was quite long and I had literally just pressed publish, and then he writes the most patronising BS when you consider what my article was about, he said, ‘Just be you, hun.’

Aargh! You dumb f*ck! I had just written a two page post about how some people don’t know how to be themselves and you being a surface scoping troll had read the first line of my work and posted something trite and tone deaf.

And then I thought, well, why am I annoyed by him? He’s just being a typical arsehole on the internet. And I realised I only wanted to engage with people who think deeply, who read my work and use it to help them see themselves and other people more clearly so they move through the world with greater ease and joy.

So, I’ve quietly been on a mission to remove the tw*ts from my Facebook friends list. All the people I accepted when I first joined Facebook so I could seem to know a lot of people because that must make me popular and important. I love pulling my own BS out into the open and cleaning it up.

Hopefully you can see some personal growth in my admission about my friends list, and this clean up isn’t a self righteous congratulatory piece, its more a sign of my growing sense of who I am and of who I am here to serve.

As I talk about repeatedly, identity is a choice. To be integrated in thought, word and behaviour is the ultimate goal because then we are living truly as ourselves and there is no internal struggle with our instincts versus our learned habits.

Imagine waking up every day and knowing and liking who you are, accepting the gift of that day and all you have in it, the relationships you have, the work you do, the momentum in your life towards the goals you have set yourself.

And there’s no push/pull. no one step forward, two steps back as you keep getting dragged back into old though patterns and behaviours.

And living our truth, being integrated in love and connection to our Inner Self and Higher Consciousness means we feel good every day. And when we feel dissonance or a disturbance in our senses, we can evaluate and choose how we feel, so we always choose the better feeling.

I’m witnessing this in my own life. Every day I’m finding the self destructive stuff I used to do less and less appealing. I do what makes me feel good and that now tends to be the long term satisfaction things, like sitting writing this article.

When I got home tonight I just wanted to pour a cup of tea and sit myself on the sofa and numb myself with tv.

And I could easily have done it and justified with the same old excuses, ‘I’ve been out all day, I’m exhausted, I don’t want to write now. It won’t be good because I’m tired.’ Blah, blah,blah.

Instead I CHOOSE to sit myself down at my desk and write.

And maybe this isn’t my most inspired piece but it still shares something important and life changing with you.

Life is always offering you a choice, to show up as your truth, in service to your dreams and goals or to go numb yourself with whatever takes your fancy.

Soul Identity Reclamation, my new course, is going to be so much fun because every week I’m going to share new tools and an hypnosis experience that will rock your socks off!

Its super low cost because I want to make this a ‘no-brainer fuck yes, I’m in!’ for you.

£69 over an 8 week program – I may add more, we’ll see how we go.

Starting Thursday 26th May and running weekly, from 7pm -8.30pm.

We will show you the joy of connection to your heart and soul, the simplicity and elegance of living from your true self.

Email me or message me for the details. This is going to be the prototype for my signature program and the next time its offered, it will cost at least $2000.

Jump in now because this is happening and you need to be in it, you want to release the false personas and be real, I’ll guide you into it gently and you’ll jump in like a mermaid splashing in the depths of her ocean. You come home to yourself.  There is nothing more joyous.

Let me know you’re interested. Soon.


Cynthia xx





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