Why today?

Interesting question is it not?

I’m reading a book ‘Healing – Beyond Pills and Potions’ by Steve Bierma, MD. Dr Bierman was an Emergency Room Dr for over twenty years. He had a three year family practice residency and hated the fact that nothing he prescribed worked, the patients always returned with a new illness. He started thinking that his patients were influenced by something more than the physical world, possible their unconscious minds. But there was no way to explore this and so he shut down the idea and instead he choose the ER where modern western medicine is absolute.

But even in the ER, he noticed subtle influences and he started asking his clients, if this could have happened yesterday or last week or next month, why today?’

He waited for his clients to answer, and the answer always came, usually preceed by ‘I don’t know but maybe….’

The man who came in with a possible infection in his genitals – why today? I don’t know but could it have something to do with the vascetomy I’m scheduled for tomorrow?

The woman who had a busy career and family life who came in with migraines and explosive vomiting – why today? Just guess – I don’t know but I could really do with a rest.

The 34 year old physician with Lupus – why today? I don’t know but I said just yesterday I had to find a way out of this life

So many examples of serious physical injuries, heart attacks, autoimmune conditions, palpitations, and so much more. They all come up with a guess that is tied up with their disease and a wish to avoid or get out, away from something.

Why today?

Our mind can make us sick.

The reverse is also true. Our mind can makes us well.

Why not today?

To be well. To be healthy. To be happy. To be smarter. To be wealthier.

Why not today?

Why not you?

I’ve done the retreat into illness. I still do sometimes.. And then I catch myself and remember that 1. I can think differently and actually choose to feel happy, choose to feel good and choose to do the things I want to do.

Secondly, I remember that thinking positively improves my health, whereas thinking negatively actually impacts my health in a serious manner.

So lets ask why today for the life you want to live and for exerting a little self discipline

Why today??

Because I choose to believe that I deserve to live a great life every day

Why today?

Because I know life as a human is short and I will return to the eternal eventually, and want to live as big, as loud, as colourfully as I can whilst here.

Why today?

Because my soul demands new ideas, new creations every day and so I must express what’s inside of me every day.

Why today?

Because I deserve great health every day so I’ll drink my green juice and not eat sugar and processed foods.

Why today?

Because life is too short to be in a relationship where I am not valued and loved.

Why today?

Because I want to invest in myself and be all I can be.

Why today? Why not?

Why not you?

Life is a choice.

Who you are is a choice.

How you live is a choice.

And it all starts with deciding, choosing how to think and what to think about.

Choose your life.

Choose wisely.

Choose yourself.


Cynthia xx

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