Before we begin…

Every day is an opportunity to begin again.

No matter what we’ve done, no matter who we’ve let down, if we’re lucky enough to wake up, to be granted a new day then we can change everything.

We may not be able to walk back into old relationships, we may not be able to repair damage wrought by past mistakes but we can offer to make amends and repair and rebuild our self esteem, our self respect and sense of who we are and what we’re capable of.

Sure those foundations will be wobbly at first, but that’s the work. The daily flexing of that muscle to build it into an automatic pattern of thought and behaviour.

I am worthy. I’m a good person. I expect great things to happen FOR me.

My early morning routine is to start the day with an Abraham Hicks video, when I do that, when I get those words of inspirational, feel good wisdom, my days are brighter, I feel stronger in my ability to stay on course, to do the work I need to do to deliver myself the life I want to live, to be the version of me that I want to be.

When I don’t do that, when I instead start reading the news, or doing a Google scan of the headlines and gossip feeds, I lose all sense of the possibilities of life for myself and instead get stuck thinking about what’s wrong in my current circumstances.

And sometimes, that takes time to pull myself out of.

The reason last week was that I had taken on a couple of dog sitting jobs because my old dog sitting clients are phoning me up to say can they stay with you? They love you and we don’t want to leave them anywhere else.

And I love every dog I meet, I’m a sucker for a doggy smile, a wagging tail, I cross the street to say hello to dogs I don’t know. So I said, yes, sure and of course I’ll look after the new puppy too, love puppies.

I made myself so busy I was too tired to do my ‘real’ work – this work.

I still managed to see clients but the promotional work for Soul Identity Reclamation? Nope, way too tired to even think about it.

Every thing we do is a choice.

I had loaded up my days with full on dog care. What had I chosen, albeit unconsciously?

To hide, to not start this new program, to stay safe keeping my head down. Playing small.

When I realised that, when I pulled that from unconscious behaviour into awareness I knew I had brought into the open an old belief and behaviour pattern. One that has stopped me in my tracks time and time again.

And the why of it doesn’t really matter. I used to chase the whys all the time? Why do I keep doing this? Why do I never do the work I want to do?

The whys don’t matter.

You do it. I do it. We all stop ourselves from living life as we want to.

We procrastinate. We distract, we suppress and deny. We avoid. We use substances and processes and all sorts of things to avoid the the thing that will bring us to the life and being the person we want to be.

The whys of it don’t matter. What matters is noticing the behaviour and then choosing differently.

So, here I am showing up. Still tired but getting my work done and I’ve cleared the decks too.

Because this work is too important. But more than that, this is work I love to do.

How do you stop yourself from doing what you want to do?

For some of us, we don’t even have goals. For some, its having goals but making them seem so far out of reach, its like a fantasy so its easy to give up on them and forget we ever had them. For others, its working on the wrong things, goals that don’t actually inspire, that don’t come from our heart and truth.

All that being said, I discovered this piece of writing in a new book I opened today by Leonie Dawson. Its about reviewing the old year before setting goals for the new one.

Everyone who has already signed up for Soul Identity Reclamation, this is your first homework, pre-work to the course starting. For everyone else, why aren’t you joining us? And also, you can do this too.

I’ve slightly changed Leonie’s words to fit our needs but the most of this is her beautiful words:

Dearest You,

You’ve been sent here on a mission.

A mission to discover every part of yourself.

To grow wiser and deeper and more compassionate.

To find light in even the darkest cave.

The last year, in fact the last ten, twenty, however many years happened to you the way they did for a reason.

Even if you’re not sure what that reason is yet.

Even if it felt hard and unreasonable.

Its all taking you where you need to go

Sometimes we can only learn by going there.

You are growing braver, deeper, more precious by the day, by the year.

Lets celebrate and release the past…

Clear the way for miracles to come <3

So now its up to us. Lets spend some time looking over our current circumstances, what are you not happy with?

What about the past few months, years, and decades?

What ave you avoided doing that you really want to do? What are you hiding behind?

Where are you pretending instead of being real?

What truths about yourself are you keeping locked in a cell somewhere in the dark of your mind, so you don’t have to think about what you’ve settled for?

In this 8 week Soul Reclamation Program, we are going to reach for the sun, moon and stars of our heart and soul.

Ask for miracles, expect them and then do the work to build yourself the kind of identity that makes such things come true.

Are you in?


Cynthia xx

Here are the details, pm or email me and I’ll send you the registration form and the Google doc with all the juicy stuff.


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