What if’s and maybe’s…

I love using ‘what if…’ to start my day

What if…

What if today is going to be a good day?

What if you can have it all?

What if you already are the person you want to be?

What if all you ever wanted is all available to you already?

What if all it takes is a simple shift in your perspective?

A very simple shift from thinking that you can’t, that you don’t, that you aren’t to thinking that you are…you have…you do… already.

Imagine believing that everything you want to be, to do to have is already yours. In fact it always was all along.

What if life is so good?

What if?

And why not?

All it takes is a simple shift of perspective. That’s all.

We go through life believing  we can’t because we’re taught that.

But what if you allow yourself to unlearn all that you’ve learned?

And instead open yourself to the possibility that the opposite of what you’ve always thought is true?

That you are a miracle and you can make your own miracles come true?

What if life is there for you to mould?

So that it becomes exactly what you want it to be.

Or even better!

And why not?

What if that’s possible?

Isn’t that better than the alternative of going through life with your head down, shoulders bowed, thinking that there’s no hope, that it doesn’t get better that this is all there is?

And what if you say, ‘is this is ALL there is?’ In a completely different way, full of curiousity and openness for more.

And even though this is all there is for now, there’s always more coming.

Because there’s always more, haven’t you already noticed that?

Of course you have.

So, open your mind to new possibilities. Open your mind to new ways of thinking.

Invest in yourself.

Spend your time thinking about what your thinking about.

Pay attention to how you react to life and other people.

Score your behaviour and results compared to what you truly want.

Don’t compare yourself to others, compare yourself to the version of you that you want to be.

How are you doing on that scale?

If not 8 or above, isn’t it time you focused on doing better?

Because if its not 8 or above, you’re obviously spending time on things that don’t make you feel good, that don’t make you happy. Things that take you further away from the you that you want to be and the life you want to lead.

Its time to decide. Choose which part of you is in control. Disciplined, focused, and believing you can be, do and have the life and self that you want or not?

Daily choices make your life.

Not one big thing. Not a lottery win or a disaster or anything outside of you.

You, making those little daily choices.

My choices this morning came to this:

To watch tv or write a post for my clients.

To eat chocolate or make the green smoothie.

To feel defeated and tired and like nothing works or give this business another go.

I got two out of three. You can figure out which based on the fact you’re reading this.

Every morning, I get to walk through some of the most beautiful woods in the world. Right now they are full of fresh, new green leaves, it started grey this morning but swiftly changed to bright blue and sunny.

Those walks heal me, connect me and uplift me.

And yet, once I come home, it can be so easy to forget those feelings of connection and love and joy and decide to be tired, anxious and worried about life and the world.

The choice to be our best self, to do what’s right and true for ourselves gets made over and over again. Its never done. Don’t expect that. There will always be contrast and choice. Some days are easier than others. And once the muscle is exercised and repeatedly used, it does get easier.

Its the starting again for me after a four day sugar jag used to help cushion my grief over my mother’s anniversary.

You know what I should have done instead and then I wouldn’t be feeling so blah and hungover and like it all sucks and I have to start again?

Sat in my feelings. Felt my grief, instead of avoiding it. Connecting with people instead of being on my own.

What if the thing you used to numb yourself, that once you considered a friend is actually your worst enemy?

What if deciding to do without, to go sober and never have it again is the best gift you can ever give to yourself?

What if the best of life is through the grief and fear and pain we’ve been afraid of this whole time?

I think that it is. I’m taking that journey, starting today.

I hope you join me. Whatever it is, wherever you are.

You’re not alone.

Send an email or pm me, what is your sweet oblivion turned poison? Are you ready to let it go and face the things you couldn’t face before.

What if you are strong enough now?

What if you don’t have to do it alone?

Because you don’t. There is always connection. Inside you and around you.

Hold fast to hope and love and joy. Fine your peace and value it above all things.


Cynthia xx

Soul Identity Reclamation starts on Thursday and I’m so excited to bring this to you. Years of private practice now infused with group coaching and spiced with spiritual awakening.

So good, so juicy and all for an unbelievable price because its new and a pilot and you’re doing me a favour by joining and giving yourself the best gift ever!

Thursday at 7pm. If you’re interested, let me know and I’ll fire you over the Google doc with all the details and a registration form.






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