How bright is your light? Does it need shined up?

Hey Beautiful,

We have done a lot of work in recent weeks on the foundation building of Love, Truth and Connection for our own Light Houses And we’ll come back to that because as you know, this work is never done.

Now its time to shine our light brightly, across the landscape of our inner and outer life.

What is it we illuminate?

We focus on the good, we light up the wonderful life we’re living and all the joyous things we’re creating through thought and desire and make it bigger, brighter, stronger.

Our pain is there, of course. And that’s okay. What happened to us has happened.

We don’t go poking the bruise. Shadow work and healing is powerful of course but its problem solving and doesn’t move you to your ideal life.

In connection with Source, you realise everything is good. Because as far as Source is concerned its all good, always.

When I connect to my Higher Consciousness , my heart fills with love and joy and its the most blissful feeling. Pain doesn’t exist. That’s why I aim to outgrow my pain and restrictive feelings.

That joy is what we share in Be Your Own Light House.

Here’s what you do to live your ideal life…

  • Ask for help and guidance – from Higher Consciousness not anyone around you. We go straight to the Source, literally.
  • Tune into your Higher Self everyday. Relax into the love for you there.
  • Create new habits of Self Love.
  • Follow received guidance.
  • Love your life.
  • Care about how you feel.
  • Choose how you want to feel.
  • Focus on an emotion until you are feeling it and living it consistently.

Caring about how you feel is so important. We let ourselves get carried along by circumstance, by how other people are feeling, by the news or how our team does in some sports game thingy.

Something as important as how you feel should not be left to chance. Be deliberate about it.

And for those scoffing, let me tell you. This is not easy. this is emotional jujitsu. This kind of discipline takes commitment and constant refocusing on your goal.

But its worth it because you can feel how you’d feel living your ideal life before you’re living it. And that makes it more likely to come from the Quantum into the physical.

Whatever we see inside of us is real. It already exists in the energy field. Our focus on it and on feeling good about it calls into physical.

And regardless of anything else, isn’t feeling great, connecting to your Higher Self and going on an amazing trip inside your mind kinda cool in itself?

I think I’ve said it before but it bears repeating. I love this work. Its the best thing I’ve ever done. And its so low cost, you’re getting a Spiritual Hypnosis session for about the cost of a cheap meal for one.

Join us and let me know how you found it. If you don’t like it, I’ll refund your payment.


Cynthia xx

Join us Thursday at 7pm GMT UK time for Be Your Own Light House
Tap into Divine Guidance. Tune into Infinite Wisdom. Turn yourself on to Higher Consciousness.
Join us here at this Zoom link
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 841 0902 0917
Passcode: 1234
And you can send your £25 for the session to me via PayPal at this link #

I truly hope I see you there because this work is so good.




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