There are always signs to guide you

This morning, walking through the woods with Amelia, we stopped along the river, there wasn’t a reason, it was just a pause and in that moment a beautiful white feather came spiraling down right in front of me to gently land on a branch of fir needles. It was startlingly white and bright against the green.

I laughed and lifted my head up to say ‘Thank You.’ Appreciation and joy filled my heart.

I hadn’t asked for a sign this morning because everything is falling into place and I feel so good about what I’m doing, but I got one anyway. There were several more white feathers laying on the ground, directly in my path after that, although none of them were quite as meant for only me as the one that fell from the sky in front of me.

The best sign that guides you is whether or not you feel good in what you’re doing. Not in the short term gratification kind of feeling, but that long lasting, soul deep satisfaction that you get when you are doing the right thing, working towards a goal that matters and every step takes you closer.

Beautiful little signs, like hearing a song on the radio and its lyrics speak directly to your situation or seeing a signpost that perfectly fits where you currently are in life, or having a beautiful, pristine white feather float down from the sky in front of you? These are all good, fun ways of being certain we’re doing the right thing for ourselves.

But don’t wait for a sign, check in, deep inside to that place within us all that holds your truth and you’ll know.

Here’s to sightings of rainbows, unicorns, fairies and feathers. Let the world show you its magic and allow yourself to be magical in return.


Cynthia xx

Missed last night’s Be Your Own Light House group session?

Join us next week. 7pm every Thursday. Because you’re worth it! lol


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