In very simple terms, here’s what you need to know…

The traumas you experienced in early age, (Big T Trauma and repeated small T trauma impact us the same) eventually manifest as physical and mental illness.

To cope with that you develop a way to distract yourself from those emotions and feelings that overwhelm you with an addiction or two.

You’re a good person although you might not think so, and you’re probably more attuned to the needs of others than other people around you.

Maybe even to such an extent you’ve had multiple co-dependent relationships.

You use distraction to cope with the overwhelm of current life and to continue to avoid your feelings.

You’ve experienced significant loss, whether its a relationship, family, person, job, or place you live. And it still hurts because you’re avoiding your feelings!

It seems like there’s more to deal with right now, and the world is burning and you’re angry, anxious and unsure about you can do.

But there’s something changing, you feel different, you’re start to think differently about who you are and how you fit into this world and what you are no longer going to accept from others. You’re starting to F*cking FEEL!

You also start realising that everyone has their own path and yours was what it was, all of it happened and now its done with and you accept that and yourself now.

As you drop all the sh!t you accumulated from other people, the judgement and negativity you adopted for your own, you appreciate who you are and the energy you bring to the world.

And self help is great but working with a therapist or a coach or a guide will get you to that better place faster.

Be Your Own Lighthouse – weekly guided meditation that drops you into that still place deep inside where you connect with Higher Consciousness and discover the answers you’ve been seeking.

Join me and allow the external world to drop away and explore your inner landscape.

Next Masterclass is FR**, yep, no dinero required and its going to be amazing.

November 11th at 7pm in your own home. Zoom style. Sign up here


Cynthia xx



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