The path to unlocking your own heart

To understand and process all of life’s traumas, along with all of our confusion, our accomplishments, disappointments and the beliefs we hold as truth, certain to us, we need to begin by questioning the judgements we’ve made. Especially those made with regards to ourself, to who we are and our value in this world. All those judgements about what is good and bad for us and within us.

Judgements block our mind and heart like stone walls, keeping us trapped within, stuck fast, unable to move forward or review clearly our past.

We need to be able to think differently about ourselves so we can actually see ourselves truthfully for possible the first time since we were a child.

Let me ask you a question…do you act differently in one situation from another, when with one group of people or a different set of folks?

Yeah, most of us do.

But, why?

Why do we all do this?

Why don’t we act the same in all situations with all people all of the time?

Why can’t we be who we are, no matter where we are or who we are with?

What happens to a child who is told they are not good enough, or not important or not smart?

What happens to a child who is told they are brilliant and wonderful and loved?

Ho w were you seen as a child?

How did this judgements affect you?

This is the kind of self enquiry we need to undertake to enable us to gain freedom from the mindset that keeps us trapped within those stone walls.

This is the work we will be doing in ‘Be Your Own Lighthouse.’ The FR** Masterclass I’m giving this Thursdayat 7pm GMT, that’s UK time.

Self enquiry in a supportive, like hearted group is the easiest way I know to pull all the sh!t we carry around into the open and when we see it clearly, we can decide whether or not its true and either keep it or let it go.

So, what are you doing on Thursday night?

Watch tv?

Doom scrolling on your mobile?

Reading/watching the news and feeling ever more anxious and overwhelmed?

Or you could decide to come to this potential life changing (in a good way) event and learn some real truths about who you are and let go of some of teh stuff that’s been holding you back for years.

What have you got to lose?

Its 90 mins and this work is amazing to do. You will feel peaceful, relaxed and connected to yourself and everything.

Its an experience like no other – an inner hypnotic meditation journey that is wholly unique to you and every time it is different too.

Joing us and see what gift your subconscious has in store for you.

I hope to see you there.


Cynthia xx

Here’s the link to sign up



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