Snow makes the whole world different and you can have that in your life too

We woke up this morning to about 3 inches of snow laying on the ground. It was beautiful, the world looks so pretty, clean and fresh, brand new after snowfall. And its quieter too as the snow muffles sound and makes everything seem more peaceful and its fun. The dogs love it, all the old scent trails have been covered up and everything is different, new and again, fun. Amelia, who I still think of as the puppy even though she’s now 11 years old, is playful and bouncing around like she did in her youth.

Snow changes the world. But its only temporary as it soon melts and then, if we’re unlucky it will freeze and turn to treacherous ice.

But what if I could show you a way to make your world feel like its brand new, fresh and ripe with possibilities and opportunities for you to be YOU. Capital you, as in the version of you that you were born to be, unfettered by society’s expectations, unharmed by life and your cultural traumas and judgments.

What if there was a way to replicate the effect of snow on the world outside in your inner world?

To create a newness, a sense of peacefulness, quiet from the hum of the everyday world and juicy with possibility for you to grow and develop life as you want it to be?

Because that is possible. For everyone.

To have a sense of fresh possibility, new adventure, alongside peace and calm and beauty.

And it doesn’t go away like snow, it doesn’t melt and turn to dirty slush or freeze into hard ice. Instead, as you feed this daily practice it grows and your sense of possibility and adventure and peace and calm grow with it.

This is what having a true spiritual connection does for you. It creates breathing space from trauma, it brings you peace in the face of overwhelming chaos, it gives you unlimited joy no matter your current circumstance.

All you have to do is show up and dedicate your life to it.

Does that sound like its asking for too much?

I know, I struggle with that for a long while and then I realised that I had nothing to lose and everything to gain.

I mean why not? Is what you have now so good?

Spiritual hypnosis is the gateway I offer to connect you with Higher Consciousness. Your Higher Power, whatever you call it, God, the Universe, Source, Infinite Intelligence, the Divine Within.

I call it Higher Consciousness and Source because that works for me. Call it what you will, doesn’t matter. Just know that it is there, waiting for you in that calm, patient, loving way it has of acknowledging your right to choose. You can invite Source into your life or not. But life is infinitely better, richer, more joyful with it than not.

Every week, in Be Your Own LightHouse, we meet to talk about being a Light House for ourselves and others. What is needed to be able to shine our light and the most necessary piece is Connection, which is also Truth, which is also Love. All come from our connection to Higher Consciousness, our acknowledgement of the truth of life as it is, and of whom we truly are and the miraculous  love we receive from Source, the love we learn to have for ourselves.

Our guided hypnotic meditation leads to an invitation for Higher Consciousness to meet with us and deliver whatever we need in that moment, healing, guidance, love, inspiration.

This is the most powerful and important work I’ve ever done and we meet every Thursday at 7pm UK time.

Most Thursday’s but not today. Because today, I am attending a training program. My work as a hypnotherapist means I am constantly learning and growing, finding better ways to help people, although I don’t think anything comes close to what I do now with Spiritual Hypnosis.

But I’ve signed up and paid for a training and so this week’s group session is cancelled. However if there is enough interest, I’ll pull together a session on Sunday. I’d been planning on launching a new program on Sunday’s but haven’t prepared it yet. It will be called Pathway to Peace and aimed for people recovering from trauma, abuse and addiction. If you want to know more about that, drop me a private message and I’ll tell you more.

In the meantime, connect with Higher Consciousness through being in nature, being with children, meditating, by closing your eyes and allowing yourself to dream.

Your imagination is a direct conduit from Source to you, believe in the messages it send you. Take action inspired on the messages you receive. That’s how you change your world.

I’m sorry to miss the session tonight but I know we’ll be back better than ever next week.


Cynthia xx


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