Have you ever spent the day worrying about what someone thought of you and when you eventually build up the nerve to talk to them, you discover they never gave what you were worrying more than a passing thought?
And often we hold onto conversations that made us feel humiliated, embarrassed or angry and we go over them again and again in our heads, I should have said this and when they said that, I should’ve said the other thing. And we spend hours, days, even years re-doing old stuff long since done with by everyone else.
What we’re forgetting is that everyone is self obsessed, we’re all wondering how we appear to everyone else, and so we have no actual time to worry about them! They’re so busy worrying about themselves, they have no time to worry about us.
I was holding a Spiritual Hypnosis group last night and like usual, I got into a bit of a tizzy about being good enough to hold space for others. But then I put the work into practice, I went within, I connected with my Higher Self and Higher Consciousness and once in that space, held, supported and buoyed by Source I knew everything would be great so long as I didn’t get in the way.
Because that’s the thing that we do. We get in our own way.
We have so many beliefs about how things should be, how hard it will be, how much struggle to do what we want. And when we’ve given guidance to a path forward that feels easy, feels good, feels right…well can’t have that, can we?
So we resist. I resist following guidance like a mothaF**ker! I’m a world champion at not doing what I want to do. So that I don’t get to be the person I want to be.
I resist doing the things I know will make me feel good, that I want to do and it feels awful. So I do all the things that numb me out which makes me feel worse. So I do that some more and it just gets more and more vicious.
And yet, the way Higher Consciousness has shown me would be so much easier than resisting and I persist in resisting.
Here’s the thing, we can do all the shadow work, find all the limiting beliefs, tap on it, meditate,clear the blocks but that never seems to get us to the life we want. It’s problem solving where we are, but it doesn’t take us to where we want to be.
If we don’t go with our guidance, we will never build the well lived life we want and deserve,
And what do you do, when you keep resisting all the time and refuse to follow guidance?
You start to feel worse and worse and the resistance builds and builds.
The thing to do is to just do the thing.
Whatever it is that you’re being guided to do. Do it!
That’s why today, after I publish this post, I going to open a folder that is my new book, my first real attempt at a novel and write the pages I’ve been avoiding for months.
Yes, I said months. So much time wasted, but I am finally surrendering and following my soul’s guidance and doing the thing I have been directed towards, writing my stories, getting them out into the world.
Oh, and everyone loved the group session last night, it was another totally beautiful, transcendent experience where people embraced the energy of their Higher Power, however they choose to describe it.
‘wonderful session x thank you
truly wonderful and powerful
‘ Julie D
‘thank you ever sooooo much again for sharing this opportunity of such a deep spiritual connection with us!’ Meike
Are you ready to connect with your Higher Consciousness, receive divine guidance, feel supported, loved and at home no matter what?
Join us in Be Your Own LightHouse, every Thursday at 7pm GMT
Cynthia xx
I truly hope I see you there because this work is so good.