When you’re in the depths of depression or racked by anxiety, there’s just one thing to do

When we feel utterly dejected and depressed, or crushed by fear and anxiety, it feels like doing something, anything is too much to ask of oneself.

The usual advice would be to suggest you talk to someone, get washed and dressed in clean clothes, go outside, take a walk.

But when you’re gripped by these two very different mental health issues, nothing feels possible. It’s all just too much effort, too much to expect. And other people’s expectations? Well, they just add to the weight that’s bearing down on you, flattening you out,

I know and you know that doing just one thing will make you feel better, but you can’t. The energy, the will, the ability to do one simple thing isn’t there, and you don’t think it ever will be again.

You’re just existing, time moving past you as you no longer partake of life and its possibilities.

I’m not going to drag out the description of depression and anxiety, loneliness and despair. If you know it, there’s no need and if you’re in it now, well, I’m just glad you’re reading this.

There’s one simple thing I want to ask you to do and it doesn’t involve movement at all. Not at the start anyway.

I want you to think to yourself, ‘Yes.’

Just that one word. ‘Yes.’

Over and over again.




Until you’re fully embracing the When Harry met Sally diner scene.

I’m not actually asking you to act out an orgasm, or even think about it. I just want you to say yes to yourself. Yes to life. Yes to to the possibility that there is something out there for you.


The single most positive word in the world.

Say yes over and over. A mantra to open your mind up to change, to self belief, to being someone else, feeling more than you do now.


Yes to life. Yes to love. Yes to yourself.

Allow a tiny crack of light into the darkness of the mental and emotional dungeon you’ve been trapped in. And your yeses will open that crack wider and wider.

Your depression, your anxiety, your despair, your fears and angst – they are all just thoughts. They started with one thought that snowballed and hardened into steel bars that constrict your life, your health, your ability to be all of who you are.

You can start the process of freeing yourself with a tiny little thought. Nothing more than 3 letters. YES!

Say Yes.

Allow yourself to feel different, to feel more, to be you again.


Please say yes today. For you. No-one else matters. You first.


Because changing how you think changes your life. And  that one tiny yes can create a massive change and make a huge difference in you.




PS. I’m reworking everything I do to create a monthly group program where people come together once a week to grow, share, learn, laugh, cry, support and be supported. I have no idea what its going to look like yet but I do know that my 1:1 work will reduce and become much more expensive.

So if you want to get in before the prices lep up, do so now. Because come the end of March, I’ll be launching my as yet unnamed group program and putting 1:1 work on the back burner. I truly think I can serve more people better in this way.

I love my 1:1 work and am gladly accepting client registration right now -but only if you’re the right fit.  If you’re ready to invest in yourself and move forward faster, gaining greater insight and self knowledge that you ever had before,get in touch. To see if that’s you, listen to the audio on this page and take the next step. Can’t wait to hear from you.


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