Is this you?

Do you ever feel like you’re not good enough?

No matter what you do, how much you achieve, the wealth and awards you accumulate, its never enough to make you feel enough.

Do you turn to outside influences to numb the void inside of you?

Using food, alcohol, sex, gambling, exercise, gossiping, drugs, whatever your poison of choice is to help you feel something rather than the pain of rejection, of abandonment, of the love missing from your early life?

Do you start something in order to stop using your poison, take up a healthy habit to change and stop when you’ve made a little progress because that’s good enough? You don’t feel you deserve to go the whole way, drop all the excess weight, give up the bad habits completely, for some reason you don’t deserve to be the best version of you?

Or maybe you’re scared of that? Who would you be without your poison? Without your failings? That’s who you’ve been for so long you can’t even imagine being anything else, so you give up before you’ve barely gotten started on change.

Do you recognise that some of the physical pain and ill health symptoms you’ve been experiencing are the result of internal emotional issues?

And you start a healing program and yet you never give it the time to work properly. Stopping abruptly when you don’t manifest instant results. Who’s got time to give to healing?

And yet you have all the time to give to being sick!

Do you always fall back into old patterns, old ways of thinking and behaving and struggle to change and stay true to the changes you’re making?

This is what I help people with. Because almost all of our ills come from the same source and its my job to help people fill the hole inside of them with the love, approval, compassion and acceptance of themselves they never received fully from their childhood care givers, their parents and guardians.

When people learn to love themselves, to have compassion for all ages of themselves in the past, no matter what, to reconnect with the child they once were, to heal, they are able to become the person they were always meant to be.

The BEST version of themselves.

I work with people to help them give themselves a safe place to be, no matter where they are. Because they are at home within themselves, accepted and free and loved.

I offer them a sense of emotional homecoming. A new way of of thinking that makes life better emotionally, mentally, physically.

Change your thinking and you change your life.

It means much more than you think it does. It means everything.


Cynthia xx

PS. Stop messing around! If you’re reading this, you need me. Email or message me to see how best we can work together to give you what you need. It might be a list of free resources I offer, it might be a program or course that’s not too expensive or you might want to jump right in and fully commit to yourself with a personal 1:1 hypnotherapycoaching program. Whatever you need, I’ll work with you to guide you to gaining it all. That’s a promise xx



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